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Example sentences for "hesitance"

Lexicographically close words:
hervpon; heryng; herzlich; hes; hese; hesitancy; hesitant; hesitantly; hesitate; hesitated
  1. But men in general are not withheld by a similar hesitance from saying what they feel most deeply.

  2. Here again the words are all colloquial and are set in their accustomed order; but by sheer mastery of rhythm the poet contrives to express the tremulous hesitance of Viola's mood as it could not be expressed in prose.

  3. The unknown without hesitance inscribed his name, which was John Hawksley.

  4. And, under the influence of his reassuring kindliness, her hesitance and misgivings disappeared.

  5. Her hesitance now made him uneasy; he recognized the necessity of increasing her reliance upon him.

  6. Its glimmer, and the glimmering eyes of the young man excited Mrs. Whitcomb so much that after a little hesitance she moved forward, followed by the jealous Ashton.

  7. Then he went up to Wellington, with much hesitance of manner.

  8. Her hesitance before the last word being the result of training, which had made her feel that it was a little bold for "ladies" to refer quite openly to "gentlemen.

  9. Why it was to her great relief she did not know--because something in the simple act annoyed her, even while she congratulated herself that her hesitance had been absurd.

  10. A curious hesitance came upon her, though she knew that under ordinary circumstances such hesitation would have been totally out of place.

  11. She could also make clear her reason for hesitance and deliberation.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hesitance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    boggle; caution; compunction; demur; diffidence; falter; hesitation; modesty; objection; pause; protest; qualm; recoil; scruple; shrinking; shyness