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Example sentences for "helpa"

Lexicographically close words:
helminths; helms; helmsman; helmsmen; help; helpe; helped; helpen; helper; helpers
  1. Plecht er afternei hordom, sa mei-r fluchta, ne fluchter navt, sa is er an tha wreke ther bitrogna vrleten, and nimman ne mei helpa him.

  2. Send wi in alle dela ofned and tha knapa stor enoch vmb helmet and skild to berane and tha wepne to honterane, then skil ik my mith jower helpa vppa thene fjand werpa.

  3. Is hwa sjvgun jer kjasar, sa mei hi helpa en herman jeftha kening to kjasane, ther to ak keren wrde.

  4. Thach sahwersa en toghater en misstap hede, sa warth hja that ring forjan, tha wrakka seidon hja most man helpa and vmbe sin ajn sele to bihaldane most man fuel anda cherke jan.

  5. Is hi thre jer werar, sa warth-i burch-her and mei hi helpa sin hawed-manna to kjasane.

  6. Hyr to Texland most man thus skola stifta, fon alle statum ther et mitha alda sedum halda, most-et jongk folk hyr hinne senden wrde, afterdam mochton thera utlered were tha ora helpa ther to honk vrbeide.

  7. Afternei seidon hja that Askar thju kase vrleren hede with tha Gola, thrvchdam et folk navt lawa navt nilde, that Wodin hjam helpa kvste, and that hja him thervmbe navt anbidda nilde.

  8. That wrde to staden vnder biding that wi skolde helpa hjam with hjara swetsar to stridande, ther alan kemon hjara bern to skakana and hjara skat to rawana.

  9. You helpa me, I helpa you," went on the wily French native.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "helpa" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.