Fire heat should only be given when mats or other such coverings are not sufficient to exclude frost, as nothing so much injures the constitution of the Cape Heaths as a close, damp atmosphere.
Heaths and other such hardwooded plants that have been placed out of doors will now do best in a cold pit or frame, where they can be protected from heavy rains.
The butterfly delights in sitting rather than flying about cliffs and sand-hills, heaths and downs, stony hillsides, dry fields, and even open woodlands.
This interesting little butterfly is to be seen almost everywhere, but it is perhaps most frequently to be found in grassy places in lanes, on heaths and downs, railway banks, in rough meadows, etc.
The butterfly is on the wing in July and August, and seems to be more often found on sandy heaths than elsewhere.
You are to wear all these heaths this evening, you know," he said selecting the heaths from the nosegay.
At East Dereham he was born, from East Dereham he drew Philo the clerk to the life, on the East Anglian heaths he met and studied the gipsies whom he knew as no other Englishman amongst us has ever known them.
Leaving Scoulton Mere behind we were again in a land of flat heaths of wide extent, and of sheltering hedges of dense Scotch fir.
In English they are called club-mosses, generally found in mountainous heaths in the north of England.
He had driven the miserable inhabitants out to the barren heaths and wet mosses.
In proportion as the heaths appear more frequent and more extensive, the churches and villages are fewer and farther from each other.
Many of the chals and chis to be met with in “Lavengro” and “The Romany Rye” were transferred to the pages of those works from the East Anglian heaths and fairsteads.
Yet he must have been familiar also with the Bosviles, Grays, and Pinfolds, some descendants of whom still haunt the heaths and greens of Eastern England.
The tiny golden-crested wrens are comparatively numerous near town--the heaths with their bramble thickets doubtless suit them; so soon as the leaves fall they may often be seen.
The bees are busy on the heaths and along the hilltops, where there are still flowers and honey, and the butterflies are with them.
It is one of those Heathswhich are enumerated in the Hort.
The Cape heathsand Australian shrubs were almost all destroyed.
The heaths and firs in general cast off their leaves between papers, which appears to be an effort of the living principle, for it is prevented by immersion of the fresh specimen in boiling water.
Next time the beetle took a different route, over wide heaths and thick fir-woods, till he reached the Gold Mountain, and met the rising Sun.
The moth is out in July and August, and frequents heaths and bogs more especially, but is also found in or around woods, and I have captured male specimens as they flew along hedgerows bordering fields, at dusk, in Middlesex.
The moth is out in May and June, and is found in woodlands, and onheaths and moors.
It is found on the boggyheaths of Ireland, and Kane states that it is abundant where it occurs.
The moth occurs on heaths and mosses in July and August, but it is local.
In Britain it inhabits heaths and mosses, but is very local.
The species occurs in woods, on heaths and moors, and in fens, throughout the British Isles, except the most northern parts of Scotland and the isles.
The moth is out in June and July, and occurs on heaths and moors throughout England, Wales, and Ireland.
On heathsin Surrey and Hampshire, and on the mountains of Aberdeen and Perthshire, a blackish form occurs (ab.
The moth, which appears in May and June, and in some seasons in August, frequents woodlands and heaths where birch flourishes.
Barrett states that stunted bushes on open heathsand hillsides are preferred to hedgerows.
The moth is out in July and August among the Vaccinium in its swampy haunts on the heaths and moors of the north of England, and Scotland, even to the Shetlands.
In the town itself and the suburbs the gardens were gorgeous in their floral beauty, and all the wild romantic hills around were crimson and white with geraniums, and the rarest and loveliest of heaths and wild flowers.
With one brave bound the copse he cleared, And stretching forward free and far, Sought the wild heaths of Uam Var.
The heather-heaths were torn up beneath their hoofs; the breath came like smoke from their nostrils; out of their throats strained hideous bellowings, and the froth oozed down on their shoulders.
Toward the last, he thought that he was riding over a veritable wilderness where he saw nothing but swamps and heaths and juniper-hills.
East of Exe River and south of those rolling heaths crowned by the encampment of Woodberry, there lies a green valley surrounded by forest and hill.
All over the heaths outside, when Darwin looked for them, he could not find a single fir, except the old clumps on the hilltops, from which the seedlings themselves had originally sprung.
Before them, their place was unoccupied, and they do but commemorate the first of that series of changes by which the valley has been turned from a desolate wrinkle in the heaths into the anomalous suburb it has become to-day.
Here amidst the heaths a laborious and frugal people, wise in their own fashion, had their home and supplied their own wants.
It looked across a little creek which made in from the sea, and it had in its prospect only level heaths to the horizon's edge.
But the loveliness of South London lay almost at the very doors of London: one could walk into it; the heaths were within an easy walk, and the loveliness of Surrey lay upon all.
As to size, that is remarkably difficult to estimate upon wildheaths or mountain solitudes, where there are no leadings through gradations of distance, nor any artificial standards, from which height or breadth can be properly deduced.
They grow both in heathsand in shady places near the hedge-sides in all counties of this land.
It grows in copses, and upon heaths and waste grounds, and oftentimes under or near the holly bushes.
I admired the rich masses of gay mountain flowers and heaths which grew luxuriantly in the clefts of the rocks, and regretted that I did not know enough of botany to enjoy them with more than my eye.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heaths" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.