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Example sentences for "heathery"

Lexicographically close words:
heathendom; heathenish; heathenism; heathens; heather; heaths; heathy; heating; heats; heauen
  1. The antlered monarch of the waste 40 Sprung from his heathery couch in haste.

  2. And before it was light they found the heathery lands, and the demi-gods lying lazy all over the side of a hill.

  3. But the demi-gods lay down in their heathery lands, for once content though so far from the courts of heaven, and even half forgot their heavenly rights, and sighed no more for power over wind and snow.

  4. Their children dwelt out-of-doors beyond the dells of the bracken, in the cool and heathery lands, and were now at war with the dwarfs.

  5. These were casting themselves uncertainly over a sedgy and heathery slope, on which, in this wind, the hottest scent would soon be chilled to its marrow.

  6. In this order, we arrived at the tryst, a heathery hill side, flanked by a dense and rambling wood.

  7. In dreams he strayed some brackened glade, Some heathery moor.

  8. Spring wraps its transient scarf of green, Its heathery robe, round slope and scar; And night, the scudding wrack between, Lights its lone star.

  9. Not a tree was visible, only in places traces of dry-looking heathery stuff and patches of what looked to be moss.

  10. Jakobsen pointed down to a ring of stones, within which was a quantity of dry, heathery stuff with a number of weather-worn lumps of coal.

  11. The autumn air drew cool and scented along the heathery ridges, and while Julius lay gazing at the cirrus clouds, I propped myself upon one elbow and enjoyed the scene below.

  12. We were now on a heathery table-land, with patches of splashy, rushy ground, from which the snipe flickered out as the hounds cast themselves through it.

  13. The wind was blowing fresh and keen across Knowl Hill and the heathery wastes of Ashworth and Rooley, those wild heights which divide the vale of the Roach from the Forest of Rossendale.

  14. The green country, sparely sprinkled with white farmhouses and cottages, spreads out in front, far and wide, to where the heathery fells of Lancashire bound the eastward view.

  15. It formed the pole and axis of this heathery world.

  16. The heathery hill facing it is described exactly as it is in nature: “The front of the house was towards the heath and Rainbarrow, whose dark shape seemed to threaten it from the sky.

  17. To hunt the deer, to chase the roe, to spend the long hours from early morn until even among the heathery moors which were all his own, had been happiness enough for him.

  18. Then Lizzie dried her tears and soon she was up and dressed in her finest gown, and leaning on Donald's arm she wandered with him over the heathery hills until they reached a noble castle.

  19. We have wandered in our glee With the butterfly and bee, We have climbed o'er heathery swells, We have wound through forest dells: Mountain-moss has felt our tread.

  20. With the heathery hills beneath me, Whence the streams in glory spring, And the pearly clouds to wreathe me, Oh, skylark!

  21. On the other side was a good Scotch mile of heathery moor, blazing purple and crimson in the sunshine.

  22. Some three or four miles east from Bala, the Berwyn Mountains raise their heathery summits in the midst of a solitude broken only by the plaintive bleat of a lost sheep or the shouts of men in search of it.

  23. After traveling all the day, toiling up by steep crags and heathery passes, he reached the top as the sun was setting in the ocean, and he saw far below him out in the waters the island of the Mystic Lake.

  24. A turn in the road suddenly brought us to where we looked through a black framework of heathery hills, and beheld Snowdon and his chiefs apparently with the full rigors of winter upon them.

  25. Here he could lie in ambush and keep watch far and wide over the heathery levels and the open sea.

  26. High over the heathery wastes flew a wise old raven.

  27. Year by year the little green and yellow patches down there increased in number and size; rood after rood was cut out of the heathery waste, little houses sprang up with red-tiled roofs and low chimneys breathing oily peat-reek.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heathery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.