Then it was shaded, according to the ability of the artist, and the name of the harpooner was written above.
The harpooner gets ten shillings for putting in the gun harpoon, and ten and six pence for the hand, or a guinea for both, while every member of the crew receives half a crown in either case.
The harpooner rows until ordered by the boat-steerer to stand by his gun.
Along each side of the deck stood uprights; on the top of each was a plate with spikes called a clash, and beside each stood a harpooner with a long sharp knife.
The harpooner cut the skin off and the piece was then thrown into a heap in front of the speck trough.
As I passed I heard the mate's harpooner say, "Feels like whale about.
A whale, of which the whalebone blades are six feet or upwards in length; the harpooner gets a bonus for striking a "size-fish.
The order when the harpooner has thrown his harpoon into the whale.
A thick piece of wood on the head of a whale-boat, round which the harpooner gives the line a turn, in order to veer it steadily, and check the animal's velocity.
The black harpooner fought his way across the deck to Joel's side.
Joel had brought his own harpooner from the Martin Wilkes.
They reached him just as his strength was exhausted, and had the happiness of rescuing this adventurous harpooner from his perilous situation.
Being in the capacity of harpooner on this occasion myself, I proceeded to the chase, after having carefully marked the proceedings of the fish.
The ship and boats being at a considerable distance, and the fast-boat being rapidly drawn away from him, the harpooner cut the line with the view of rescuing him from his dangerous situation.
The harpooner who leaped overboard, escaped certain death by the act,--the tail having struck the very spot on which he stood.
John Carr washarpooner and commander of one of them.
He has been a harpooner for thirty years, and once harpooned twenty-six whales in one year with his own hand.
Meanwhile our friend the harpooner and his crew are reposing on their laurels, and looking out for fresh luck; while the proprietor of the establishment is five hundred pounds the richer from this "catching a whale.
Now, however, the harpooner makes an imperceptible sign to the coxswain.
There are a few moments of suspense, during which the harpooner is getting ready and poising one of the javelins.
The harpooner says nothing; he is a very silent fellow; but woe to the unlucky whale that comes within the whirl of his unerring harpoon!
Yet the harpooner seems cool and unmoved as ever; he holds the harpoon it is true, but he seems to grasp it no tighter, nor to make any preparation for a strike.
The harpooner balanced his iron, swayed his body lightly, and the harpoon hissed from him.
It is a port in the United States; and our harpooner happened to be there full four years after we lost this whale.
Although there would be no difficulty in bringing the end of a bowsprit directly over the fish, a skilful harpooner never waits for this.
The harpoon consists of a pole fifteen or sixteen feet in length, usually of hickory or some other hard wood, upon which the bark has been left, so that the harpooner may have a firmer hand-grip.
The strong arm of the harpooner punches the dart into the back of the fish, right at the side of the high dorsal fin, and the pole is withdrawn and fastened again to its place.
I cannot express to your highness the satisfaction that I felt at finding that the carcase of the harpooner was in my possession.
A repetition of the blow projected the harpooner and line-manager in a similar way, and completely drenched the part of the crew remaining in the boat, with the sprays.
Both the line-manager and harpoonerwere preserved; and the fish, after a few hours close pursuit, was subdued.
A similar attack was made on the next boat which came up; but the harpooner being warned of the prior conduct of the fish, used such precautions, that the blow, though equal in strength, took effect only in an inferior degree.
The harpooner though a practised swimmer, felt himself so brushed and enervated by a blow he had received on the chest, that he was totally incapacitated from giving the least support to his fellow sufferer.
Old Tom and the young second mate changed places swiftly and the old harpooner stood up poising the heavy iron and looking to see that the coils of the rope were free.
And their weight necessitates a harpooner being chosen from among the biggest and strongest men in the ship.
If the harpooner missed with one iron, or if there was time to fling a second, he could reach and get it handily.
One officer and a foremast hand were continually on watch during the day in the main crow's-nest, one harpooner and a seaman in the fore one.
So if, when a whale is seen, the harpooner misses his aim, and the fish dives and swims a mile or more off, he must watch and watch till she rises, and try again.
At the same moment the rest of the boats pulled up on the opposite side, the harpoonerin the leading one striking his harpoon into him.
The harpooner has nothing to attend to but the mere act of striking his object; and there are few exploits in which the dexterity of one person is more conspicuous over that of another than in delivering the harpoon.
They were all picked up, however, by another boat that was in company, and the harpooner was recovered with the rest.
The harpoonerwas standing on the bow all ready, and sent his iron cleverly into the blubber.
While we were waiting, Tom Lokins, who was harpooner of the boat, sat just behind me with all his irons ready.
Last of all came Captain Dunning and Tim Rokens, for the harpooner had vowed he would "stick to the cap'n through thick and thin.
Just as theharpooner sprang from the shelter of the rock the blast burst upon the bank with redoubled fury, as if it actually were a sentient being, and wished to catch the sailor in its rude grasp and whirl him away.
So the bold harpooner became a species of overseer and jack-of-all-trades on the property.
The harpooner unrolled his handkerchief, and picking the pat of butter from its folds with his fingers, threw it into the fire.
He was the best and boldest harpooner in Captain Dunning's ship, and a sententious deliverer of his private opinion on all occasions whatsoever.
Before they had done firing away, the gallant harpooner was so confused that he began to regard the whole case as already hopeless.
Tim Rokens, being the harpooner of that boat, sat at the bow oar with his harpoons and lances beside him, and the whale-line coiled in a tub in the boat's head.
To his great disgust, the harpooner did not seem to have made himself more intelligible than I had.
His neighbor in the stern at once backs his paddle, the harpooner sits down, seizes his paddle, and backs, too, to escape.
From childhood he has been a sailor, and from fourteen years old has gone on voyages to the Arctic Sea as harpooner and skipper.
The harpooner walked in the lead, and during his stroll through this forest, he gathered with sure hands some excellent fruit that should have completed his provisions.
Furnishing such arguments to a professional harpooner was a waste of words.
Have it your way, sir," the harpooner replied, shrugging his shoulders.
But this reply proved nothing, other than how bullheaded the harpooner could be.
On the contrary, professor," the harpooner replied, not wanting to give in.
Not a lick of it, Conseil my friend," the harpooner replied.
Sure I do," the harpooner replied in all seriousness.
The harpooner stands up like a flash of lightning and drives his sharp weapon with all his strength into the animal's flank.
When all is ready one of the boats rows towards the whale, and the harpooner throws his sharp weapon with all his strength into the whale's flank.
The boat approached the side of the younger fish, and the harpooner buried his tremendous weapon deep in the ribs.
At last we came so near the young one, that the harpooner poised his weapon, knowing that the calf once struck, the mother was our own, for she would never desert it.
Then the harpoonercarried away a pink flask to be filled in some blind pig, for there were no licensed saloons in that locality.
The harpooner had told me terribly wonderful things of himself.
I remembered, on the drunk on the Idler, how Scotty and the harpooner and myself had raked and scraped dimes and nickels with which to buy the whisky.
The harpooner suggested the eminent desirableness of a drink, and Scotty searched his pockets for dimes and nickels.
The harpoonertold of misadventures and secret shames.
The harpooner and I drank on, grinning in a superior way to each other over Scotty's plight.
You can't swim in that ice water," said the harpooner confidentially to me.
Scotty and I flared and raged like young cockerels, until the harpooner poured another round of drinks to enable us to forgive and make up.
During this period I drank precisely for the same reason I had drunk with Scotty and the harpooner and with the oyster pirates--because it was an act that men performed with whom I wanted to behave as a man.
The harpooner came on deck to answer our hail, and invited us aboard.
Then the harpoonerfaded away into his bunk, and I was left alone, unthrown, on the field of battle.
Was I any the less strong, any the less valiant, than the harpooner and the sailor?
The caretaker was a harpooner who intended sailing next voyage on the whale ship Bonanza.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harpooner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.