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Example sentences for "hammock"

Lexicographically close words:
hammerhead; hammering; hammerless; hammermen; hammers; hammocks; hamper; hampered; hampering; hampers
  1. Before long, no one could lash his hammock with the seven turns in a shorter time than he.

  2. I dare say you have a string hammock on your lawn, in which you sometimes lie on a very hot summer's afternoon.

  3. A hammock is such a funny thing to sleep in.

  4. Down by the river an alligator was sunning himself, and the resinous breath of the pine trees swept its aromatic fragrance over Louis as he lay at full length in a hammock with his hands behind his head.

  5. Evadne was swinging in the hammock one golden summer afternoon, humming soft snatches of her old songs while she played with her aunt's pet black and tan.

  6. For the first week or two she did little but rest, sleeping for hours at a time in the hammock swung beneath the shadowing elms.

  7. Two days later Miss Morgan, with a hammock and a folding canvas chair and a trunk full of light reading, arrived, and took possession of her new quarters.

  8. Ralph stared hard for a moment at the dainty girl slowly rising out of the hammock and then at himself.

  9. Yawning several times, Jean finally dropped into a hammock that had been swung for Ruth on the porch at Rainbow Lodge.

  10. There were a hammock and a number of upholstered chairs, each with a doily on the back of it.

  11. In fact, she brought a hammock and a cushion with her.

  12. He covered himself in his hammock and proceeded to sleep.

  13. They would wander about inside their shelter, sit in a hammock eating, walk over to the calabash and drink the cassiri and back to the hammock again.

  14. One young woman looked at my hammock and made up a funny face, jabbering to an older woman who nodded, and without a word to me she took down my hammock and began to unravel it.

  15. In the struggle I fell from the hammock to the ground, still with my deadly grip about that snake's neck.

  16. By virtue of being a sort of aide-de-camp Jimmy was allowed to swing his hammock in a corner of our shelter.

  17. Say it," I remarked, lazily, from my hammock where I was resting.

  18. When it was all unraveled and nothing but a pile of cords she began deftly to weave it again and when she was finished it was as even and smooth as any hammock ever made.

  19. There was nothing for me to do but to remain in my hammock and listen to that terrible singing.

  20. It dipped, rose, and he pulled back his transparent eyelid again, this time when the wave was down, and thought he saw figures on the fibrous hammock of the boat.

  21. Clea leaned back in the beauty-hammock and lifted the dark mass of her hair from her neck.

  22. He attempted to milk a cow and she kicked him; and he's lying in a hammock and Hélène is reading to him, while Harry paints her portrait.

  23. He lay in a fiber hammock and Marston saw he was very ill.

  24. He got into a hammock and Marston lay down in a long chair.

  25. Sometimes he glanced about the room and Marston thought he took courage when he saw Father Sebastian sitting near his hammock and Wyndham in the background.

  26. That hammock chair and a hammock will be out to-day," he said.

  27. Did you ever lie down in a hammock in your life?

  28. I suppose you hang a hammock there in summer for your mother.

  29. This is the strongest hammock made, warranted to hold 1100 lbs.

  30. This hammock is made better than ever before.

  31. Now if you would give up the scheme and sit in the hammock this afternoon and read, how we would enjoy ourselves!

  32. Every hammock is warranted by the manufacturers; and nothing but the best material and workmanship enter into their construction.

  33. A double web hammock that is very popular.

  34. This is a nice hammock for the little ones.

  35. One of us will sleep at each side, and the third will sleep in a hammock stretched across the middle.

  36. Frank, hearing a noise, started up not more than half awake, and fell out of his hammock on to the top of Jimmy, whom he seized by the throat.

  37. She paused to gaze at the dear front walk and the beloved frayed steps, the darling need of paint, the time-gnawed porch furniture, the empty hammock hooks.

  38. As a rule, a native hammock and net can be procured in the field.

  39. The traveller will be entertained hospitably and after dinner will be given two hooks upon which to hang his hammock, for he will be expected to have his hammock and, in insect time, his net, if he has nothing else.

  40. The man or woman who had nothing to do lay in a hammock or squatted on the ground leaning against a post or wall.

  41. The small duffel-bag is very convenient for hammock and clothing, but generally the thing wanted will be at the bottom of the bag!

  42. A small-sized duffel-bag should be provided for each of the men as a container for hammock and net, spare clothing, and mess-kit.

  43. All the houses are provided with extra hammock hooks.

  44. As a matter of necessity, where insects are numerous one turns to the protection of his hammock and net immediately after the evening meal.

  45. Amongst the Macusis of British Guiana, when a woman has given birth to a child, the father hangs up his hammock beside that of his wife and stays there till the navel-string drops off the child.

  46. All this time he lay in his hammock and might not set foot on the ground; if he had to go anywhere, he was carried by bearers.

  47. Now, under foot, the dry hammock lay everywhere and the night wind blew on their backs.

  48. But the girl sprang from the hammock and caught her husband's arm and drew Recklow back from the hibiscus hedge.

  49. If I dared leave you," he said, "I'd go into the hammock and start that reptile.

  50. Don't you remember; I was lying in the hammock in the moonlight, and Victor told you I was asleep?

  51. I did not know you were standing beside my hammock in the moonlight until Yulun told me.

  52. And, for the first week, she slept most of the time, or lay in her hammock watching the swarms of small birds creeping and flitting amid the moss-draped labyrinths of the live-oaks at her very door.

  53. Afterward she descended from the hammock and came and sat down beside him on the veranda steps.

  54. Then, turning down the hammock to the east, she walked noiselessly forward over the fibrous litter, the men on either side of her, their pistols poised.

  55. Once, traversing a dry hammock where streaks of moonlight alternated with velvet-black shadow a rattlesnake sprang his goblin alarm.

  56. Meanwhile John Williams went to the hammock of John Adams and roused him.

  57. As she lay in the hammock which he had hung for her under the canopy of living green, and watched him while he brought wood for their camp fire, and made all ready for the night which was drawing near, she was glad that he had planned it so.

  58. From where he lay in the darkness, the man could see against the camp fire's light the two, where the hammock was swung under the trees.

  59. As agile as monkeys, the mob of pirates poured over the bulwark, slashing through the hammock nettings, and swept forward in a compact mass, driving Captain Wellsby's seamen before them and penning them in the forecastle.

  60. Seize him smartly by the neck, Turn his hammock over; Leave him there upon the deck, He will soon recover.

  61. No 'fours' to-night, and I feel quite ready to turn into my hammock when the time comes.

  62. Another has heard that the senior term captains are to relieve the marine orderlies from their tedious night watch keeping in order to save hammock space.

  63. But I wish the corporal would not bump against my hammock when he is waking other fellows.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hammock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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