In view of the hampering effect of misconception on this point, it is evident that the question is not academic, but intensely practical.
Examples like this show how natural is childlike slumber when once we take away the inhibitions of a hampering idea.
In such a case, the "spring tonic" that is needed is a self-knowledge which shall release us from hampering inhibitions and set us free for enthusiastic self-expression.
The life-force is leading him on to the next step in his education, freeing him little by little from a too-hampering attachment to his family.
That is what I mean by saying we have no hampering ambitions.
It has no history back of it which makes it run all its energies and all its ambitions in one particular direction; and America is particularly free in this, that she has no hampering ambitions as a world power.
Notwithstanding these disabilities the Rumanians of Transylvania enjoyed a long period of comparative social and economic liberty at a time when Turkish and Phanariote domination was hampering all progress in Rumania.
The development of the least material forces, steam, electricity, the X-ray, has come only as the human mind has thrown off a portion of its hampering material beliefs.
By removing hamperingfalse belief, by removing the limitations of superstition and human opinion which hold its portals closed.
Yet Caterina, while she chafed at many hampering restrictions which she was powerless to overcome, loved her people and her work with the strength of desperation, and struggled bravely on.
Most things not of the earth, earthy, were then charged to the devil; and the mental powers of these children were not competent to show that their slippings out from their hampering bodies were effected without his aid.
Science finds in these experiments a fresh lesson of the need for caution, guarding against the hampering influence of popular notions, as in reference to the probable effects of the boiling process.
Acts of 1909), freeing them from some of the hampering provisions of the general banking act of the state.
Does it have any ill effects in hamperingindustry or checking the advance of production?
It would be like hampering a flying machine with unnecessary bars of steel.
In 2004, the government faces the difficult prospect of having to achieve fiscal discipline in order to maintain debt payments while simultaneously attacking a serious and growing crime problem that is hampering economic growth.
No impediment has been placed by these taxes upon enterprise; nohampering restrictions interrupt the flow of commerce.
There was no sudden invention which made the hampering system of government-control seem incompatible with industrial advance.
Their original desire to be left unimpeded was soon exalted into a definite theory; and since political conditions had confined them so largely to trade none felt as they did the hampering influence of State-restrictions.
In 2004, the government faced the difficult prospect of having to achieve fiscal discipline in order to maintain debt payments while simultaneously attacking a serious and growing crime problem that is hampering economic growth.
Vainly do we cling to etiquette, to our titles, always bringing forward our Majesty, on the panels of our carriages, on the studs of our cuffs, hampering ourselves with an empty ceremonial.
About a third of this extremely poor country floods annually during the monsoon rainy season, hampering economic development.
She must needs Come hampering you this night of all the rest, As if not gorged with you at other times!
It makes for sure oppression, binding men To serve for less than service proves it worth Conditioned by no hampering penalty.
The fact that the Elizabethan plays were given against an imaginary back-ground enabled the playwright to disregard the old, hamperingunity of place more thoroughly than has ever been possible since his time.
When hampering conditions press hard upon a man, all that he thinks of for the moment is to be rid of them.
That the members of these clubs are willing to pursue knowledge under these hampering conditions is of course a point in their favour, so far as it goes.
We are combining the legislative and executive power in the hands of a few persons, hampering them very little in their exercise of it, and making it possible to recall them by direct vote of the body of citizens that elected them.
Eight days ago Mr. Yatman and his lodger, Mr. Jay, held a conversation on the subject of the commercial difficulties which are hampering trade in all directions at the present time.
This policy of the French Government need not have greatly cheered him, as its motive was less to help Francis than to prepare the way, byhampering the Piedmontese, for a little fishing in troubled waters.
The appointment of executive agents and the maintenance of means for keeping them responsible to the community, without at the same time hampering intelligent initiatives.
Ways of hampering an army are too numerous, if people are willing to run every risk, not only for themselves but for those dependent on them.
He concludes that this is not necessary, and might even act injuriously, by unduly hampering medical freedom.
Not the least is the injustice and the hampering of vital energy which it inflicts on the better and more scrupulous people to the advantage of the worse and less scrupulous.