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Example sentences for "gummed"

Lexicographically close words:
gum; gumbo; gumma; gummata; gummatous; gummi; gumming; gummy; gumption; gumptious
  1. The resemblance is not so close, now that the fragments are gummed on card, as I at first thought.

  2. I write now because I have just received a very remarkable letter from Fritz Müller (with butterflies' wings gummed on paper as illustrations) on mimicry, etc.

  3. Then roll this triangle of cardboard into a long cone shape, about two and a half inches wide at the open end, and with a strip of thin gummed paper across the overlapping edge fix it down tight, so that it will not open out again.

  4. Now get two tiny rounds of gummed stamp-paper and ink on each an eyeball, only partially covering the paper, and gum these on for the eyes, and with pen or paintbrush put in his mouth and nose.

  5. The eleven-inch strip or any cut off portion, can be glued horizontally or vertically into a folder and papers or clippings attached by the gummed tabs.

  6. If the gum is permitted to dry before the ink is applied, those parts will become black, too; but as soon as a few drops of water are poured on and the ink-roller passes over the stone, all the gummed parts will show up white at once.

  7. Or stuck over with gummed labels; that's even worse.

  8. This was a particularly repulsive specimen of its breed; grimy with hardened dust and gummed oil, maculated with yellow-surface-rust, the brasswork green with corrosion.

  9. Either surface-rusted, or filthy with gummed oil and dirt.

  10. Plenty of gum must be kept upon the surface of the stone during this operation, at the completion of which it may be removed with a sponge and water, and the inking-up completed with the roller and the stone gummed in.

  11. Now take a second glass the same size as the first, and having thoroughly cleaned it, fasten it to the back of the other by small strips of gummed paper.

  12. Then we went home and our brains throbbed and gummed up all night long.

  13. When I am forty, and have gummed up my digestion in the dollar-herding game until I wheeze for breath when I run up a column of figures, I'll go back and have a nice comfy time in the grandpa class.

  14. The two women, comparing notes, had gummed up the leader's grand entry to a degree which left Honey Tone thankful for the mule-stealing charge that had landed him safe in the jail and out of the clutches of his wife and Cuspidora Lee.

  15. The success of the peeling process was all gummed up at nine o'clock by the Portland humidity, which won its usual bet.

  16. Lastly, she wet the gummed edges of the envelope, and stuck them down, fastening the note much more securely than she had found it.

  17. The gummed edges of the envelope had but lightly adhered.

  18. The labels announcing this un-fact are, I understand, obtained from the Old Country and gummed on the bottles at Hatherly.

  19. Although I did my best to protect my few remaining envelopes, I have just discovered three of them to be well gummed down.

  20. The native hatchet is made of a very hard greenish-looking stone, rubbed to an edge on either side; it is fixed in the cleft of a stick, or a branch is doubled round it, and either tied or gummed to prevent its slipping.

  21. The throwing sticks have generally a sharp piece of quartz or flint gummed on at the lower end, which is used as a knife or chisel; flints or muscle shells are used for skinning animals, dissecting food, cutting hair, etc.

  22. So we got the little craft out, and having gummed her all over, started once more on our upward way just as the shadows of the night began to close around the river.

  23. For by that time the Sentry will be gummed so tightly to the floor of his sentry-box that he will not be able to move an inch.

  24. Then you're a deceiver," she said severely, as she handed him a joint of beef tightly gummed on to a wooden platter.

  25. This beef is gummed so tightly to the dish that it is a job to get it off.

  26. So tightly gummed that they could not get free even when Mortals were not present, and all the Toys were at liberty to speak, walk, and talk.

  27. This last command they were obliged to obey with their heads, their feet being tightly gummed on to the platform.

  28. The kerosene will serve to cut and remove much of the carbon and gummed oil and to make the way free for the fresh lubricant, which should be poured in liberal quantities into the cylinder head.

  29. Even then, however, the motor should not be run under its own power until the burned and gummed oil has been removed and the scored surfaces have been cleaned.

  30. A, we see opposite us the petals 1, 2, 3, and 4 gummed together by the extremities of their anterior sides, while Fig.

  31. As soon as she reaches the floor beneath the stage she closes the trap in the newspaper with gummed paper, and shuts the one in the floor, and it might be thought that she was still on the stage, although she has disappeared.

  32. In spinning they gummed over the upper surface of a leaf and, covering it with silk, drew it together so that nothing could be seen of the work inside.

  33. When a thin webbing is spun and securely attached all around the edges it is pushed out in the middle and gummed all over the inside with a liquid glue that oozes through, coalesces and hardens in a waterproof covering.

  34. If you want to remove a specimen gummed on a card for any purpose, it is easily effected by plunging it into hot water.

  35. These are analogous to the cards on which are gummed the sandpaper letters of the alphabet.

  36. There are also large cards on which are gummed several letters, grouped together according to analogy of form.

  37. In the material there is a box containing smooth cards, on which are gummed the figures from one to nine, cut out in sandpaper.

  38. After the board with the two contrasting surfaces, the child is offered another board on which are gummed strips of paper which are rough or smooth in different degrees.

  39. At this point we take those cards which are covered with very smooth paper, to which is gummed a letter of the alphabet cut out in sandpaper.

  40. For press work mount the plate on a piece of cardboard its own size, then, having gummed a sheet of brown paper on the face of the litho-stone, place the mounted plate near the centre and fasten it with paste or gum.

  41. The plate is now well washed over with clean water, and thinly gummed up.

  42. Then the etching is removed with water, and the plate very thinly gummed up and left to dry.

  43. When drawings are to be washed out for proofing or printing, the plate should first be thinly gummed up.

  44. These two bits of paper, gummed on the side of the writing so as to look like one piece, were then rolled tightly, with a dexterity peculiar to men who have dreamed of getting free from the hulks.

  45. The ivory must only be gummed at the top, for if gum were allowed to run under the face the flesh-tints would be darkened; the papers also must be gummed together at the top, and they should be somewhat larger than the ivory.

  46. Here and there between the pages are gummed little pictures of Madonnas and 'piteous Christs.

  47. Judith enjoyed it; so much so that a sense of a russet Liberty serge, baking, crept into the atmosphere as she sought in vain for an inlet into an envelope cruelly gummed to its uttermost corner.

  48. Besides, I pulled the photo out of the passe-partout, and it was gummed in, and the name on the back.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gummed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.