A drug known as the iodid of potash (or soda) is widely used in the treatment of syphilis, and especially of the late forms of the disease, such as gummas and gummatous sores.
It is even possible to have the roof fall out of the mouth from gummatous changes and the Wassermann test yet be negative.
It has a peculiar effect on gummatous tissue, causing it to melt away, so to speak, and greatly hastening the healing process.
Nature of the Tissue Change in Late Syphilis--Gummatous Infiltration.
The ulcers have seldom the typically rounded or serpiginous outline of gummatous ulcers on other parts of the body.
The tertiary manifestations in the tongue are sclerosing glossitis, gummas, and gummatous ulcers.
It is to be borne in mind that gummatous growths in the brain are seldom influenced to any extent by anti-syphilitic remedies, and time should not be wasted in trying this form of treatment.
Gummatous lesions occur on the lips, and are liable to be mistaken for epithelioma.
A localised gumma may develop in the neighbourhood of the angle of the mandible, or the whole of the body of that bone may be the seat of a diffuse gummatous infiltration (Fig.
The influence of syphilis, except in its gummatous form, in interfering with union is doubtful.
In tertiary syphilis, whether inherited or acquired, the most common lesion is a diffuse gummatous infiltration, which tends to go on to ulceration and to lead to widespread destruction of tissue.
All the clinical features of Pott's disease may be simulated by gummatous disease of the vertebræ.
Gummatous disease may come and go over periods of many years, with the result that the external appearance and architectural arrangement of a long bone come to be profoundly altered.
Gummatous disease in the wall of the orbit may cause displacement of the eye and paralysis of the ocular muscles.
These facts, together with the disappearance of the induration under treatment, make it very likely that the lesion is really gummatous in character.
Gummatous disease is frequently observed also in the flat bones of the skull, in the bones of the hand, as syphilitic dactylitis, and in the bones of the forearm and leg.
At the autopsy three gummatous growths of the surface of the brain were found, and the vessels of the base were found to have undergone the special changes described by Heubner.
The diffuse gummatous infiltration of the ano-rectal tissues and the subsequent deposition of contractile tissue are the most usual causes of these specific strictures.
They are invariably formed as follows: A gummatous deposit in the {901} submucosa undergoes ulceration, and the subsequent cicatricial contraction gives rise to the stricture.
Absorption may take place slowly, or the indurations may break down, resulting in an indolent, rather deep-seated ulcer, closely resembling a gummatous ulcer.
From what formations is the gummatous syphiloderm to be differentiated?
In the large pustular, the tubercular and gummatous lesions, considerable destruction of tissue may take place, and in consequence scarring result.
Does thegummatous syphiloderm invariably appear as a rounded well-defined tumor?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gummatous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.