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Example sentences for "grubbed"

Lexicographically close words:
grows; growth; growths; groyne; grub; grubber; grubbing; grubby; grubs; grubstake
  1. It happens, however, that it seldom thrives under cultural treatment, and seems to prefer a home of its own selection, but its habitats are said now to be very few in Great Britain, it having been hunted out and grubbed up everywhere.

  2. He grubbed like a mole for a few minutes, and half a dozen tiny grains of gold lay in his palm.

  3. The children, quite forgotten for once in their lives, grubbed in the piles of earth and found bewitching bronze lion-heads and ornamental knobs and handles, and pictured tiles.

  4. I plowed, grubbed an' rolled logs right atter de war, I worked right wid de men.

  5. I grubbed it up wid my hoe an' planted it myself.

  6. Read a good deal; grubbed in my garden, and made the old house pretty for May.

  7. We walked a little, talked a little, bathed and rode a little, worried a good deal, and I grubbed away at French, with no master and small success.

  8. Another day we went on an expedition to dig up a species of root somewhat resembling a parsnip, but although we grubbed about for an hour our efforts were only scantily rewarded by a few small roots, which were given to the children.

  9. But if you want to see how it comes about, look here at this freshly-grubbed land--how sour it is.

  10. Let us come into the grubbed bit, and ask the farmer--there he is in his gig.

  11. This was particularly suited to my case, for the land was covered with timber, some of which I grubbed each summer, gradually adding acres as I cleared the land.

  12. This land is very rough and was originally covered with heavy timber, in fact, about one-third of our large orchard was cleared and grubbed out the fall before planting.

  13. He grubbed the spice thicket before the door and moved it into the woods to make space for a lawn, for her.

  14. I always knowed how you grubbed and slaved an' set over them fearful books o' yours.

  15. If the stumps are too heavy to be grubbed up, it is well to ram them down tighter into the earth, for then the witches will not be able to pull them up.

  16. Peter, the second Paul, and the third Osborn Boots, for he always lay and grubbed about in the ashes.

  17. There he sat in the ingle by the chimney corner, like a cat, and grubbed in the ashes and split fir tapers.

  18. And he knew that Heeney had grubbed and eaten and burrowed his way, like a woodchuck, to the very heart of the First National Trust's wealth.

  19. Then he told how the tunnel was begun, how brick by brick and stone by stone a passage was grubbed through every obstacle.

  20. Where green timber has to be cleared off the land it is ringbarked first, and the trees allowed to die before they are grubbed out.

  21. After the timber is grubbed and pulled down it is usually piled together and burnt.

  22. The trees take two or three years to die, then they are grubbed and burnt.

  23. After the trees are dead they are grubbed or burnt out, all roots to 12 or 18 in.

  24. Thus at Swallowfield Park, the residence of Lady Russell, was found, when an old tree was grubbed up, some gold and silver coins of the reign of Charles I.

  25. The field is still known as Chapel Hill; but not a vestige of the building survives; no doubt the foundations were grubbed up for ploughing purposes.

  26. The workers partially grubbed perhaps twenty trees standing near each other, then dispatched a sailor aloft in their airy tops to hitch them together with a cable and descend to terra firma.

  27. The Pikes cleared the acre of ground in the southeast corner and we cleared the acre just adjoining, so that we four grubbed the land on which the principal building now stands.

  28. The balustrade was broken down, the walls destroyed, the borders overgrown with weeds, and the fruit-trees cut down or grubbed up.

  29. His advice was that the grove should be grubbed up; but it certainly would be much easier to remove the sun dial, obelisk, and all.

  30. The "stool" of the tree under which Courtenay stood had lately been grubbed up.

  31. By that time the welcome sound of the bugle called us to meat and coffee, and after dinner sufficient room was grubbed out to stretch a picket-rope and tie our horses.

  32. Grubbed out all the bushes under the Battery and below our quarters, which makes a field of nearly two acres opened by the 6th Battery.

  33. If that root were grubbed up, all would fall.

  34. But sowing is not all; thorns must be grubbed up.

  35. Walworth, of Milwaukee, has purchased twenty acres of land adjoining Mr. Cannon, which he will have cleared, grubbed and planted in orange and lemon trees this year.

  36. The average pine land can be cleared and grubbed at from $10 to $20 per acre.

  37. So I took a pin out of my coat, and grubbed the mote as well as I could by the deficient light.

  38. Her other brother had unfortunately sat down to eat his lunch on the wrong side of a partly grubbed tree.

  39. When the annual fall of timber takes place the butts of the trees are often left in the earth, to be afterwards grubbed and split for firewood, which goes to the great house or is sold.

  40. Dick, Dolly, and Rob each grubbed away on his small farm, and made more stir about it than all the rest put together.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grubbed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.