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Example sentences for "greater value"

  • First he obtains a greater share, and secondly the commodity in which he is paid is of greater value.

  • This, in some respects, is of greater value to the engineer than any others cited, in its determination of methods.

  • The whole quantity of a cheap commodity brought to market is commonly not only greater, but of greater value, than the whole quantity of a dear one.

  • He is thus enabled to furnish work to a greater value; and the profit which he makes by it in this way much more than compensates the additional price which the profit of the retailer imposes upon the goods.

  • We ought naturally to expect, therefore, that there should always be in the market, not only a greater quantity, but a greater value of silver than of gold.

  • The vessels they make use of are black earthenware, which, the older it is, they set a greater value on.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greater value" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could not have told; fall upon; fine fellow; friends and; general conference; greater amount; greater degree; greater depth; greater distance; greater evil; greater extent; greater importance; greater part; greater portion; greater proportion; greater quantity; greater speed; greater than; greater variety; motor vehicles; original nature; soldier come from the; thou givest; thought more; twenty cubits; without which