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Example sentences for "grated cocoanut"

  • Grated cocoanut may be mixed with the almond butter.

  • Rich cocoanut milk may be used instead of grated cocoanut.

  • Molasses cake baked in layers, with whipped cream between the layers and over the top, with or without a sprinkling of grated cocoanut, is considered a great treat in some households.

  • Ground or Grated Cocoanut= Is delightful on breakfast cereals, or eaten with bread in place of butter.

  • Beat the whites of four eggs to a stiff froth, stir into the boiling icing, then add half a pound of grated cocoanut.

  • Ice and sprinkle each layer with grated cocoanut.

  • Grated cocoanut can be used instead, by preparing as follows: one large cocoanut grated, two pounds of loaf sugar.

  • To the other half of grated cocoanut add 4 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar and strew over top of the cake.

  • A cup of grated cocoanut is a nice addition to this cake.

  • In this scatter a thick coating of grated cocoanut, strewing this also with powdered sugar.

  • Add one cup of powdered sugar, and two thirds of a grated cocoanut.

  • Take it off the fire and add a teaspoonful of vanilla and one cupful of grated cocoanut.

  • Boil to the thread or soft ball stage and then add one cupful of grated cocoanut.

  • Snowballs can be made by taking one cupful of fondant and melting it, then stir in one-half cupful of grated cocoanut.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grated cocoanut" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another party; being careful; black spot; bunch grass; cannot well; careful attention; divine mission; easily conceived; extract from; grated bread; grated cheese; grated chocolate; grated cocoanut; grated horseradish; grated lemon; grated nutmeg; grated onion; grated rind; may not; passage home; public building; receiving intelligence; second place; spirit and; spiritual experience; will away