And goyng towardes the said Duchesse, thei must passe to the castell and borugh of Monconter.
It was a straunge sight to beholde the Priestes, some goyng vp, and some downe with ceremonies, or with men to be sacrificed.
To mynde now, that this battaile maie be set together in this facion, the men goyng ordinarily, it is convenient to order them thus.
Also the besieged are beguiled, with drawyng them out of the Toune, and goyng awaie from them, faining to flie when thei assault thee.
Simon of Athens set fire in a night on a Temple, whiche was out of the toune, wherefore, the tounes menne goyng to succour it, lefte the toune in praie to the enemie.
It was agreed-- That there shalbe allowed in goyng and searching of their Londes vj{s} viij{d.
And if it should happen that eny of them were not there present, his Felow for aneynst hym shall goe alone, the which Order shall be kepte and observed, as well in goyng in Procession as elliswhere in other Places.
And also as for the goyng to the see, my Lord of Warwyke schyppys gothe to the see, as I understond.
Item, as ffor yourgoyng to Seyn James,[186-5] I beleve it but atwyen ij.
Item, my Lorde of Warwyk, as it is supposyd, schall goo with the Kynge in to Lyncolne schyre; some men seye that hys goyng shall doo goode, and som seye that it dothe harme.
And, as you knowe wel, the Connestable sykened with you in his goyng to Calais, of whome I doubt me, and so I do of my self bothe.
God help me, I xal exscusse me of myn goyng dedyr yf I may, for I sopose that I xal redelyer have tydyngys from yow herr dan I xulde have ther.
An other kynde is by increase, whyche is when the thyngesgoyng before beynge exaggerate, we come from them to the hyeste: As agaynste Verres.
Cõtrary, Brutus kylled hys chyldren goyng about treason, Manlius punished by death the valiauntnes of hys sonne.
This hastie forth goyng Had almost brought us all to utter undoing, It made me forget a thing most necessarie.
The sayd conjunctyve hath two futures, the tone hath alwayes this worde mais, goyng before the verbe, as mais que je soie joieulz, etc.
Also another conjugation with two verbes togeder every of them twyse rehersed, and the verbe repeted ever in the preterit parfet, and the fyrst and last goyng through all the modes and tenses: the whiche ben thus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.