Carriages roll up to the landing and deposit wonderfully gowned women and men whose names are whispered knowingly by the watching throng.
Mrs. Clarence Mackay and several other members of the New York smart set are among the elaborately gowned diners--but Madame Stanley and Margyl and the beautiful Cavalieri are gowned as well and more bejewelled.
In a twinkling there trips from the room which swallowed the awesome enigma a charming woman, fresh, dainty, smiling, gowned in the airiest and most delicate of confections.
Nightly wandered weeping thro' the ferns in the moon, Slowly, weaving her strange garland in the forest, Crowned with white violets, Gowned in green.
The soft, white stuff that gowned her had the look of foam; against the gray sky she seemed a freakish spirit in the act of vanishing.
He had not hurried his return, left his luncheon untasted and escaped from a dozen reporters, in order to sit and discuss Arlt with that black-gowned woman the tip of whose finger outweighed for him the clumsy honors of the earth.
We are the monks of Oyster-le-Main, Hooded and gowned as fools may see; Hooded and gowned though we monks be, Is that a reason we should abstain From cups of the gamesome Burgundie?
She stood gowned in filmy white, waiting for Janet to spread her repast, but the nurse moved at leisure, resolving to give the maid meat for thought, as she did for the body.
Mistress Penwick was already gownedin a sombre old woman's dress.
Just then, a big motor car stopped not far away, and Jeanne watched a black-gowned lady and child step out.
Many exciting adventures were happening there behind the screen to the little yellow-gowned girl and the clown in satin.
She was elaborately gowned and furred, and something about her creaked when she walked.
She was gowned and furred and hatted in a manner which caused the captain to make hasty mental estimate as to cost, but she extended a plump hand, buttoned in a very tight glove, and murmured her gratification.
She was gowned in a stylish robe of some soft clinging wine-colored material and her blonde hair was done up in a soft coil on the crown of her head.
She was gowned in a stylish robe of rich material, and on her head a white lace hat with soft white plumes which lent a charm and softened her otherwise angular features.
Never had I beheld such beautifully gowned women and brilliant lights; the tremendous chorus and the full orchestra left a lasting impression upon me which cannot be erased by time.
The wharves and docks and piers were crowded with the curious: bright-gowned peasants, soldiers from the fort, merchants, and a sprinkling of the noblesse.
A real Senator and two such young women handsomely gowned seemed to take the old hotel back a score of years--back to the times when such sights were of daily occurrence.
He was out of bed in twenty, dressing-gowned in forty, at the window in fifty, seconds.
On Monday morning, after enjoying our usual breakfast at the Casa Nova of boiled eggs, rolls and pure honey, good coffee, and delicious oranges, we bade farewell to our tonsured hosts and the staff of gowned attendants.
One of the gray-gowned nuns, after exhibiting and offering for sale laces and embroideries made by the sisters, led us to an excavation in the rear of the convent.
The tourists having made a request for some heat in the house, one of the gowned Arab servants carried a brazier into the reception room, placed a handful of charcoal in it and lighted a fire.
She was gowned in "old rose" taffetas trimmed with Valenciennes of priceless value, and never had she looked younger, more deliciously fair.
But not a gowned figure with the sword and the scales!
Miriam, with a picture before her eyes of the little grey-gowned thing with the wistful, frugal mouth and nose.
A girl came in, thrusting aside the curtain, and, for the space of a moment, holding it outstretched with an arm gowned in pure white before dropping it with a rustle of heavy silken fabric upon the ground.
Margaret was gowned in a white linen night-rail, made long ago for the marshal's daughter, little Marie de Retz, in the brighter days before the setting up of the iron altar.
We have a black-gowned verger in our towns; a humble temple-sweeper in our villages.
But the clerk remained on to chant his "Amen" to the long-winded prayers of some black-gowned Puritan.
Slowly the heavy oaken door swung outward wide enough to admit a tall, dark-gowned figure, then shut inward again, locking Dainty in with the feared and abhorred ghost of the old monk.
She liked Del Monte and Tahoe, herself, but she had come to Mill Valley now and then in the days of his first wild delight in its freedom and beauty, silk-gowned and white-gloved and very much disliking dust.
She was an oddly developed Alix, trim and tall, prettily gowned and veiled, laughing and crying with joy at seeing Cherry again.
She was not trying now to be the daintily gowned wife welcoming her husband to a well-kept home.
It would give her a chance to adjust herself and practice--and it would need some practice if she were really going to be that daintily gowned young wife welcoming her husband to a well-kept home!
There would not be any chance now to show him the daintily gowned wife welcoming her husband home to a well-kept house.
I can't ever be a daintily gowned wife welcoming him to a well-kept home now.
The vision of the sweet, daintily gowned wife and the perfect home was very clear to Helen as she dropped off to sleep that night; and she was sure that she could begin to realize it at once.
And, of course, under such circumstances, nobody could expect one to be a sweet and daintily gowned wife!
To Helen, then, came her old vision of the daintily gownedwife welcoming her husband to the well-kept home; and all in the dark her cheek flushed hot.
Was she not each night the loving, daintily gowned wife welcoming her husband to a well-ordered, attractive home?
As the figure of the Warden emerged from Salt Cellar into the Front Quadrangle, a hush fell on the group of gowned Fellows outside the Hall.
She thought she had never seen so many modishly gowned women in one room in all her life.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gowned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.