A person in this condition needs a good physician.
Get a good physician at the beginning in these cases and you will save lots of after worry and blame for yourself.
In all cases in which there is any doubt as to the propriety of vaccinating or postponing vaccination the judgment of a good physician should be taken.
Having suffered for three years from salt-rheum and after having been unsuccessfully treated by a good physician, I began the use of the "Discovery.
A certain amount of natural ability is requisite to make you a good physician, but by no means that disproportionate development of some special faculty which goes by the name of genius.
A man of very moderate ability may be a good physician, if he devotes himself faithfully to the work.
The third exhibits the entire insufficiency of exalted wisdom, immaculate honesty, and vast general acquirements to make a good physician of a great bishop.
The Pilgrims of the Mayflower had with them a good physician, a man of standing, a deacon of their church, one whom they loved and trusted, Dr.
At this present I have no more to say; His sanam mentem Democritus, I can but wish myself and them a good physician, and all of us a better mind.
Though the patient be averse, saith Laurentius, desire help, and refuse it again, though he neglect his own health, it behoves a good physician not to leave him helpless.
A good divine either is or ought to be a good physician, a spiritual physician at least, as our Saviour calls himself, and was indeed, Mat.
I should give occasion thereby to some ignorant reader to practise on himself, without the consent of a good physician.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good physician" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.