Chorus Hail, Jesus, hail; do Thou, Good Shepherd of the sheep, Increase in all true hearts the faith they fondly keep.
Good Shepherd, I do come,' said little weary Rosalie; 'I come to Thee now!
But I hope, by the goodness of God, that you will pay more heed to His honour and the safety of your own flock than to yourself, like a good shepherd, who ought to lay down his life for his sheep.
Christ Jesus is also represented in early art as the "Good Shepherd," that is, as a young man with a lamb on his shoulders.
We have already seen, in the chapter on the crucifixion, that the earliest emblems of the Christian Saviour were the "Good Shepherd" and the "Lamb.
Apollo is also represented as the "Good Shepherd," with a lamb upon his back, just exactly as Christ Jesus is represented in Christian Art.
This was a great disappointment to the farmer: he had gone a distance from home to secure a good shepherd, and had hoped to keep him permanently, and now after a single year he was going to lose him.
Does He not tell us Himself that, like a good shepherd, He leaves ninety-nine just to go in search of one lost sheep?
Accordingly, we have said that it belongs to the duties of a good shepherd to lead them out to pasture, and to provide for them every day adequate food and drink.
It was announced by the prophets of old that the Messiah, who was to come, should bear the character of a good shepherd.
Let it not be answered that many a Christian minister is now called a good shepherd.
When prayer is contemplated, we can think only of One, HIM, who has appropriated the title of Good Shepherd to {262} himself.
Today, O good Shepherd, Thou didst lay down Thy life on the Cross for the sheep, and wast crucified with robbers, and hadst Thy sacred hands nailed through.
Good Shepherd, we find the following touching inscription.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good shepherd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.