And it’s always such a rotten, stilted subject they set for the Gold Medal.
The last time we met was at the Students’ Club in Seven Dials on Gold Medal Night.
For these services Mr. Smith received a gold medaland an address from the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.
Gold Medal's most popular title so far is the story of a group of women with the Free French women's army, at loose ends and disassociated from family, friends and personal attachments.
Congress voted Lawrence a gold medal, and to each of his commissioned officers a silver one; and he was soon promoted to the rank of captain, and given command of the frigate Chesapeake, then lying in Boston harbor.
Congress voted him a gold medal, to each of his commissioned officers a silver medal, and fifty thousand dollars to the crew as prize money.
Congress, following the precedent set in the case of Hull, voted a gold medal to the commander, and a silver one to each of his commissioned officers.
If Sheridan was magnificent enough to bestow a gold medal as an honorary reward of dramatick excellence, he should have requested one of the Universities to choose the person on whom it should be conferred.
Sheridan is a wonderful admirer of the tragedy of Douglas, and presented its authour with a gold medal.
It was Whyte who suggested that, by way of consolation, Sheridan should give Home a gold medal.
Stir in flour until stiff, then knead until dough is smooth and elastic, using 6 to 8 cups of Gold Medal Flour.
Beat egg well, add salt, sugar, Gold Medal Flour, stir in melted butter and add soda to sour milk.
Two monumental works on the subject, compiled on opposite sides of the Atlantic, were thus appropriately coupled in the bestowal of the Royal Astronomical Society's Gold Medal in 1886.
Its beauty and merit were officially recognised by the award of the Astronomical Society's Gold Medal in 1884.
This successful capture filled America with joy: Congress passed a vote of thanks, and ordered a gold medal (See Plate III.
They had previously voted him a British standard and a gold medal, an engraving of which is given on Plate III.
In July, 1779, Congress passed a vote of thanks to Colonel De Fleury, with a gold medal (see Plate II.
Jefferson Davis, and others in Congress, suggesting that instead of a sword the higher honor of a gold medal should be voted him, and this suggestion was adopted.
I rejoice that I was the individual in the Council of the British Geographical Society who proposed that you should receive our first gold medal of the past session, and I need not say that the award was made by an unanimous and cordial vote.
This model contended for the prize of a gold medal offered by the Society of Arts for the best original cast of a single figure, and won it.
The kings of Prussia and Wurtemburg and the Emperor of Austria each gave him a gold medal, that of the first named being set in a massive gold snuff-box.
Ten years afterward the Mechanics' Institute of New York awarded a gold medal to Ericsson as a prize for the best plan of a steam-engine.
West urged the Academy to make an exception in his case, but it could not be done, and the young painter had to be contented with his assurances that he would certainly have won the prize (a gold medal and $250) had he remained.
The winner shall receive a gold medal, the second a silver medal, and the third and and fourth bronze medals.
A varied and stimulating collection of Mr. Proctor's work, exhibited at the Exposition, has won a gold medal.
A number of distinguished exhibits by Mr. Manship, showing all phases of his art, appear in the Palace of Fine Arts where he has been awarded the honor of a gold medal.
This sculptor has a number of interesting groups in the exhibit palaces and has been granted a gold medal.
Master-Commandant Perry's victory caused his promotion to the rank of captain, and Congress awarded him a gold medal, besides suitably rewarding his officers and men.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gold medal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.