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Example sentences for "gled"

Lexicographically close words:
gleann; gleans; gleba; glebe; glebes; glede; glee; gleeful; gleefully; gleek
  1. I'm gled I havena to start the coortin' again.

  2. I was that gled when the cat-wutted cratur fell amang his pipes gaun doon the stair in the mornin'; it served him richt.

  3. And I'm gled ye havena ony brass buttons on your claes.

  4. I'm gled ye're no' puttin' the blame on us.

  5. And then she'll say, 'I'm that gled it's ower for the year.

  6. Of coorse I did; I'm shairly no' that auld but I can be gled on an excuse for a walk oot wi' my lass?

  7. I'm shair I'm gled to hear o' your good luck.

  8. He comptis na mair the gled than the fewlume, Thocht weil hym lykis the goshalk glaid of plume.

  9. Which exactly corresponds to the Scotch, Keep in, keep in, wherever ye be-- The greedy gled is seeking ye!

  10. The Gled still tries to catch the last of them, while the mother cries "Shue!

  11. Milk 'll dae fine for yon birkie: he micht be gled tae get onything, sorning on a respectable manse every ither week.

  12. I seized the opportunity as a gled would jump at a dove.

  13. There may be some unco quirks to be performed, and some sore hearts to confer at the doing of them, but Heaven itself, for all its puissance, must shorten the pigeon's wing that the gled of the wood may have food to live on.

  14. Weel, I'm gled to hear ye dinna believe in them.

  15. The Gled said, “Yit I heir no-thyng bot gude.

  16. Aller and Gled and Callowa," he crooned, "braw names, and Clachlands and Cauldshaw and the Lanely Water.

  17. Yince a'body was gled to see me, and wad keep me as lang's I wantit, and had aye a gud word at meeting and pairting.

  18. So if you go from the Gled to the Aller, and keep far over the north side of the Muckle Muneraw, you will come in time to a stony ridge which ends in a cairn.

  19. Tis said that no other gled in the country-side hath one like it.

  20. And he flew, and he flew, till he lighted on an old sod dyke; and there he saw a greedy old gled sitting, with all his feathers ruffled up as if he felt cold.

  21. Man, a'm gled a' cam intae the kirkyaird this day, and wes here tae meet ye.

  22. Is there a man here that wudna be gled tae stand wi' Burnbrae in the Jidgment?

  23. He riffed when the lassies sat doon, till ye wud thocht he wudda haen his hands blistered; but I think he was gled o' onything to do, juist to lat him get himsel' gien vent.

  24. I'll be richt gled to see you, I'm shure.

  25. So I set oot, gled as you can weel guess, to be under the open sky aince mair.

  26. It's a gled day for your father, and for us a' tae see you back again and strong.

  27. Everybody in the United States has heard the song about the star-span-gled banner.

  28. The house at Gled Bay was situated at some distance from the cliff, which was the spot most desired by its female tenants, but at the very gates of the golf links, which presented the be-all of existence to the two men.

  29. Throughout the months of separation, she had persistently written to Dane in the same outspoken loving manner as she had done before the fateful visit to Gled Bay.

  30. I thocht ye was gled to get away from her, Liz?

  31. Oh, Liz, I'm that gled to see you, I canna dae enough.

  32. It's a gled day for him, Miss Warne, an' for us a'.

  33. They passed out of the Gled valley into the narrower strath of Avelin, and soon, leaving the meadows behind, went deep into the recesses of woods.

  34. He lives at a place called Etterick in the Gled valley.

  35. Meanwhile, Alice Wishart and Lewis, having an inordinate love of high places, set out for the ridge summit, and reached it to find a wind blowing from the far Gled valley and cooling the hot air.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.