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Example sentences for "gleefully"

Lexicographically close words:
glebes; gled; glede; glee; gleeful; gleek; gleeman; gleemen; glees; gleesome
  1. Meanwhile, Barras gleefully rubbed his hands and in order to further mystify the public he doubled the guard about my prison, while I groveled, shuddering, in my filthy covert.

  2. When Don was gleefully informed of the affair by Paddy, he grinned delightedly.

  3. Hooker immediately raised again, whereupon Cooper chuckled still more gleefully over his cleverness in declining to be drawn in to defend his ante.

  4. Good work, Crispin," gleefully called Baxter, giving the player a slap on the shoulder.

  5. Hélène laughed gleefully at the idea of cake being good for a broken eye.

  6. Another child of two years of age was playing on the floor, banging two pieces of wood together and shouting gleefully when it succeeded in making a noise.

  7. It had been dropped on the knoll when the accident happened, and Jean now bounded off gleefully in search of it.

  8. Then she called to mind the chilly spring day when she had started on the search, pronounced so hopeless by old Adam the gardener, and how gleefully she hailed the unexpected appearance of the little herd-boy.

  9. She, seeing the possibility of a good joke, invited them to her home, and they gleefully accepted.

  10. On two separate nights, after everything had been considered favourable, they gleefully let them off at La Signy Farm and its environs, and then disappeared down their dug-outs to gloat over the picture of choking and writhing Huns.

  11. So the twins hugged each other gleefully and went to the haymow to discuss the strain and struggle of the week.

  12. Here he is running gleefully to Jesus, with his skin garment full of newly gathered fruit.

  13. Again, the centre of their attention is the tiny brother gleefully taking his first uncertain steps towards the outstretched arms of his young mother.

  14. His friend chuckled gleefully to himself and said: "The would-be catcher is caught.

  15. She ran upstairs to get her cloak, and a half dozen girls went tripping up stairs behind her; when once in the room set apart for the ladies' cloaks they began to gleefully pound Viola with pillows and smother her with kisses.

  16. Ay, lass," said he then, laughing gleefully as any boy, and catching both of my hands again that I had drawn away.

  17. Then they all clambered gleefully aboard again, and one of them so far forgot herself as to sit down on the deck and lean languidly back with her plump brown shoulder against the sizzling hot breech of the signal gun.

  18. The sun, not yet set, was just sinking below the tall forest, and was dancing and flickering gleefully among the trees, as if rejoicing that he had nearly finished his long day's journey.

  19. Colonel Temple, in the pride of his gratified loyalty, could not disguise his satisfaction even from his unhappy daughter, and rubbed his hands gleefully as the glad tidings came that the rebellion had been quelled.

  20. Brereton laughed gleefully as he stripped off his coat and rolled it up into a pillow.

  21. Impossible or not, it hath really happened," answered Drayton, laughing gleefully at their amazement.

  22. Harriet called to her gleefully as she dismounted: "You should have gone with us, Peggy.

  23. A remarkably fine-looking sergeant of the Guards went to bathe in what he supposed were the deep waters of the Modder, and dived gleefully into deeps that alas were not deep.

  24. We yet have his weapons as spoils of war," Sidney said gleefully to me, "and I warrant you he will not venture near Alamance for many days to come.

  25. He pretended to be bitterly outraged by this treatment, but no sooner was the basket in position beside the desk again than he would caper up and gleefully knock it over, promptly presenting his ruffled head to have his punishment repeated.

  26. The family, waiting about gleefully to hear me deliver that purposed scolding, broke into a shout of laughter, and the honors of the day rested, as always, with the culprit.

  27. She laid a beautifully carved box on the table and danced gleefully about the room while Tabitha examined the purchase.

  28. They scurried gleefully away, much delighted with the principal's decision, and already planning what they might do to fill the vacation days for Tabitha.

  29. For Lad was cantering gleefully toward him, carrying something dark and heavy between his jaws.

  30. Lad would watch her vanish up the drive,--their fiery little son, Wolf, cantering gleefully at her side.

  31. I knowed we'd whip them," shouted the Prince, wriggling gleefully in John Tullis's straining embrace half an hour after the latter had ridden through the gate.

  32. All this time the Witch was haranguing her huddled audience, cursing the soldiers, laughing gleefully in the faces of her stately, scornful guests, greatly to the irritation of Baron Dangloss, toward whom she showed an especial attention.

  33. After a brief exchange of courtesies Grace's friends bowed themselves off, gleefully escorting Grace to David's car.

  34. But just as he was beginning to think he had been made a fool of, and just as it was quite dark, the maid came down and opened alike the door to him and good husband slipped gleefully into the king's apartment.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gleefully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.