Ashton lifted them out and poured a half-glassful of whiskey that was thick and oily with age.
Try another glass of this while you're waiting," suggested Lord James, and he poured out a second glassful of the bitter decoction.
Caution is necessary," warns Murray, "in using these waters; bad consequences have arisen from a stranger taking even a glassful to taste.
It is not passed, but a glassful standing on a plate, with a coffee spoon beside it, is placed before each person.
COLD JELLY SAUCE= Stir a half glassful of grape, currant, or any jelly until smooth; then beat into it lightly the whipped whites of two eggs.
Sometimes the water-ice is placed in the glasses and a teaspoonful of the liquor or mixture of liquors is poured over each glassful at the moment of serving.
When the surfaces are seared, add a glassful of currant jelly, and baste the venison constantly with the liquid jelly until cooked rare.
Not more than from half a wine-glassful to a wine-glassful should be taken when required.
Give fifteen drops of hartshorn or sal-volatile in half a wine-glassful of camomile tea, and cover the part stung with a piece of lint soaked in extract of lead.
Add a pint of cream, four eggs, leaving out two whites, and a wine glassful of sherry.
Take six quarts of good brandy, eight quarts of water, two pounds and a half of lump sugar, eighteen lemons, and one large wine-glassful of ratafia.
The Elixir Mariani is generally prescribed in doses of a liqueur-glassful after the principal meals.
Pour a wine-glassful of warmed Jamaica rum around it, and when on the table set fire to it.
Beat up one egg with a teaspoonful of flour and a wine-glassful of rich cream.
So saying, Mr Snevellicci struck the palm of his left hand three smart blows with his clenched fist; pulled a phantom nose with his right thumb and forefinger, and swallowed another glassful at a draught.
He swallowed a glassful and took up the paper again.
Thus Mr Snevellicci had no sooner swallowed another glassful than he smiled upon all present in happy forgetfulness of having exhibited symptoms of pugnacity, and proposed 'The ladies!
If a sample of the flour be thrown on the surface of a glassful of water, the corn and rice, being heavier, will sink; grit and sand may be detected in the same way.
Unless vomiting has already been excessive, the patient should receive a tablespoonful of mustard mixed with a glassful of tepid water.
To each egg one tablespoonful of sugar, one wine-glassful of milk, one wine-glassful of liquor.
On that pour a wine-glassful of rich milk or cream to each egg.
Then pour on the yolks and sugar a small wine-glassful of wine, flavored with a little vanilla, to each egg.
I'll bet six quarts for the company that I'll drink that glassful of brandy at one draught, without stopping for breath; do you take me, old Cagnoux?
You are not going to be crazy enough to drink that enormous glassful of brandy!
Sans-Cravate; "to drink that glassfulof brandy; that ain't very hard.
Before it is sent to table, the cook should pour over the haunch one wine-glassful of hot port wine.
To make five rarebits take one pound cheese grate and put in the saucepan; add ale (old is best) enough to thin the cheese sufficiently, say about a wine glassful to each rarebit.
Add a glassful of white wine, a tablespoonful of mushroom catsup and one of lemon pickle, thicken with butter rolled in flour.
Mumbling something, the Popadya gulped down another glassful of liquor, and once more the scrawny hands moved noiselessly, and the stillness began to hum, and someone else, a fourth one made his appearance behind the table.
Put two tablespoonfuls of chopped onions and one of chopped eschalots in a stewpan with three tablespoonfuls of salad oil, stir them ten minutes over a sharp fire; then add a wine-glassful of sherry, a pint of brown sauce (No.
One pint of milk made very sweet; a wine-glassful of brandy or rum, well stirred together; grate a little nutmeg over the top of the glasses.
Let this boil up once and add six tomatoes peeled and cut into tiny pieces, a few sprigs of parsley finely minced, and one wine-glassful of sherry.
Two cupfuls of powdered sugar, half a cupful of butter, one wine-glassful of brandy, cinnamon and nutmeg, a teaspoonful of each.
Some poisons are best ejected by vomiting--draughts of salt or mustard and warm water, half a wine-glassful of ipecacuanha wine, or a glassful of warm water with twenty or thirty grains of sulphate of zinc.
He drew the bottle near, poured out another glassful of brandy, and drank it off.
Carey raised his head a little, and half a glassful was swallowed with avidity.
Stiffen a glassful of any good jelly with a little gelatine melted in a little cold water.
Boil to the soft ball stage, then add one glassful of whole preserved strawberries, and boil until a hard ball will form between the fingers in cold water or to 250 degrees.
Add one glassful of whole preserved strawberries and boil up again.
Dose, a wine-glassful for an adult, half that quantity for a child.
Dose, a wine-glassful every two or three hours until the disease is broken, and then two or three times a day until all is taken.
Mix, and take a teaspoonful every other night for three nights, and omit three nights, in a wine-glassful of cold water which has been previously well boiled.
If the child be sinking, either a dessert-spoonful of brandy, or half a wine-glassful of port wine, ought to be added to each enema.
As soon as she can swallow, give her either a draught of cold water or a glass of wine, or a tea-spoonful of sal-volatile in a wine-glassful of water.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glassful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.