Wherupon they made a privie serche, and went about to heate a ston red hott, and take it in their hands, it being dailie proved that those which are giltlesse goe free and the giltie burne.
And if anie man that was giltie fled before he found suertie, or after: all the inhabitants of the hundred or tithing where he dwelt, shuld be put to their fine.
Alfred a noble man, which practised by treason to haue kept him from the gouernement: but he was apprehended yer he could bring his purpose to passe, and sent to Rome there to trie himselfe giltie or not giltie.
That therfore he is made giltie of all / bicause he synneth against charitie / vppon which the obseruacion of the whole lawe is grownded.
Besides this eiche man dothe fele him selfe bounde betwene / and giltie of the breaking of theis two comaundementes.
The Rubrike of the treatise entereth thus: "Here beginneth the execution of iustice, whereby the giltie or vngiltie are tried by hot iron.
And being found giltie by the inquest, the king seizeth vpon his possessions, and calleth vp the bishop to answer vnto the trespasse.
And although Egbert being giltie of the death of those his coosens, did sore repent him, for that he vnderstood they died giltlesse, yet his brother Lothaire was thought to be punished for that offense, as after shall be shewed.
The universall plague doeth planelie declair, that the wicked commander, and those that obeyed, war alyke giltie befoir God.
In accomplishing of which hainous crime and detestable act, many others were of counsell, and found giltie with him, which escaped not vnpunished.
But whether he was giltie in part or in all, I haue not to saie.
Properlie this kinde of Rhetorike, is called a common place, though it semeth to be made againste this man, or that man: because the matter of thesame shall properly pertain to all, giltie of thesame matter.
This Oracion is called a common place, because the matter conteined in it, doeth agree vniuersally to all menne, whiche are partakers of it, and giltie of thesame[.
He had accused not onelie the said Briton, but diuers of the nobilitie also to be priuie and giltie of the same conspiracie.
The lords being in this meane while aduertised of these dooings, were striken with great heauinesse, for that not knowing themselues (as they tooke it) giltie of anie offense, the king should thus seeke their destruction.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giltie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.