I retained it till the age of twenty-one, when it gradually faded away; but I believe that it had some influence on my opinions, in the direction of those childish imaginations which I have already mentioned, viz.
The imaginations of my boyhood came back as speculative possibilities.
He painted to their imaginations Washington, at the head of a numerous and well-appointed army, inflicting upon them military execution.
Our imaginations suggested a hundred agreeable circumstances, none of which had, perhaps, any foundation.
A lottery, indeed, which hath this to recommend it--that many poor wretches feed their imaginations with the prospect of a prize during their whole lives, and never discover they have drawn a blank.
These imaginationsnow all subsided again; and she imputed all that Mrs. Ellison had said either to raillery or mistake.
Zano had evidently spoken in no measured terms of the greatness of his princely friend, and the literary leanings of this patron had appealed to the inflammable imaginations of the Italian scholars.
All the grandeur and the joy of life and its surroundings flooded the imaginations of the new scholars; a definite basis from which to leap into the future was secured; the past was invoked to give birth to the future.
Thou hast seen all their vengeance and all their imaginations against me.
Our wildest imaginationscannot estimate the glories of that life-morning; but behold the Serpent.
Accordingly, the sharp outline of the horizon was still broken on one side by the gradually sinking land, when they went to work with most commendable ardour and perseverance to raise their imaginations to the proper level.
The result at which they arrived was every way pleasing and satisfactory; indeed, so much so that even their inflated imaginations were unable to receive it in all its vast proportions.
It was the spectacle of the world less real even to most imaginations than the world of novels or plays.
Sunday night was full of imaginations of order, of the countryside standing up to its task, of roads cleared and resources marshalled, of the petty interests of the private life altogether set aside.
His impassioned love of God warmed the imaginations of the men who began the big Gothic churches.
A strange world of fabulous creatures dwell on the roof of Our Lady's church--conceptions that are half terrible and half fantastic, imaginations that are survivals of the old pagan superstitions which Christianity could not wholly extirpate.
To their overheated imaginations stars fell; blood was seen in the clouds.
Enthusiastic champion as he was of the new tendency in literature, in the matter of style he remained old-fashioned, and expressed the fantastic imaginations of the nineteenth century in the severe, perspicuous language of the seventeenth.
Besides, there I was to help hereby in the actual training of their imaginations to truth and wisdom.
If the geographers drew upon their imaginations when describing the physical features of the country, so also did the statesmen.
The imaginations of men were fascinated by the poetic circumstances of that life which St. Jerome most eloquently embellished.
Our imaginations can reproduce with much vividness gigantic massacres like those of the Albigenses or of St. Bartholomew.
In all these spheres the traces of his vast, organising, and far-seeing genius may be detected, and the influence which he exercised over the imaginations of men is shown by the numerous legends of which he is the hero.
Indeed, it requires effort to lift our less buoyant imaginations to the level of any great work.
By it one endeavors to fit himself to enter into communication with the great minds and the great imaginationsof mankind.
We nourish our infant imaginations upon Mother Goose, and are content to go all our days in ignorance even of the meaning of a good many of the words so fondly familiar in pinafore days.
What sublime visions of worldly glory she had; and how deeply were her vain imaginations rebuked!
As this great man was far advanced in age he thought it would be WISE to make an effort to find this fountain, which never has existed but in the imaginations of silly men; and never will exist in any other way in this world.
We fill in the gaps in the world of perception by imagining appropriate connections; and we then act as if we knew that these imaginations were realities.
The very eccentricity of his imaginations will only appeal to him for the greater admiration.
How life in any stage might be filled with richness and joy, ifimaginations were stored with apperceptive elements and allowed to reconstruct the universe in our fancies!
He seemed a galvanizing apparatus, too, charged with a grim mechanical substitute for the tender young imaginations that were to be stormed away.
Dickens pitied children for the terrors with which they were threatened, as Oliver was threatened by the board, and he pitied them also for the terrors that their imaginations brought to them at night.
There are no other stories so enchanting, or so stimulating, as the stories that fill the imaginations of childhood.
Nature had done more for the plain tomb of the poor Danish captain than what proceeds from the imaginations of poets or the chisels of our artists.
Still, to young and romantic imaginations the island and life in the ex-monastery offered considerable charm.
They had not in their minds the soil out of which such imaginations would grow.
They witness to His entire neglect of ordinary and low aims; to His complete absorption in lofty purposes, which to His purblind would-be critics seem to be delusions and fond imaginations that could never be realised.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "imaginations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.