The region is so scarred, gashed and torn, that no work of man's hand can save it from perpetual desolation.
Then the priests, to encourage the people, drew bodkins from their girdles andgashed their faces.
They blackened their cheeks; they cut off their hair; they drew their own blood and poured it into the pits; they gashed themselves in imitation of the wounds that disfigured the dead.
Since Humboldt's visit many lesser men have gashed the old tree to leave their mark.
As we neared the jagged crest of rock, it appeared more irregularly gashed and pinnacled than ever.
They have scored you deep, but know you what is gashed deeper still?
In its light the ice fields swam dizzily by us, as a landscape seen from the window of a train; the open gashed gullies writhed like snakes, pinnacles dancing like silver spears.
Eskimos, and placing our hands upon the sledges, we leaped forward into the purple-gashed sea, with its blinding sheets of silver.
Beyond the fan-shaped teams of dogs the eyes ran over fields of night-blackened blue, gashed and broken by bottomless canyons which twisted like purple serpents in every direction.
He had no doubt, however, that his duelling adversary, so terribly gashed as to be in danger of dying, still lived.
Gory, too, was the face of Santander; but gashed as well.
Bell was badly gashed in the face, but stuck with his Lewis gun until dark when he could be relieved, being the only one in the shattered blockhouse which held the bridge across the small stream separating us from the Bolos.
Near the shell-gashed and mutilated church are two rows of unadorned wooden crosses, simple memorials of a soldier burial ground.
The priests, with their long knives, gashed their bodies, and, filling their mouths with their own flowing blood, spit it forth again in the direction of the god.
Below the lustral crest, the rocky sides of Lebanon were black in shadow; here gashedby the ceaseless plunging of cataracts, there beetling with crags, like castles which had borne the assaulting storms since chaos.
That was all the mischief done, except that once a stray bullet gashed the stone hard by--made just a fresh bright surface.
When Stephen knelt below the old wall, and was surrounded by howling fanatics that slew him, one moment he was gashed with stones and tortured, and the next 'he fell on sleep.
I will not call them the circumcision, they have not been circumcised, they have only been gashed and mutilated, it has been a mere fleshly maiming.
The message of that gashed and spaded hillside was one of mortal defiance.
Seamed and tracked and gashed were the slopes behind the British line and densely peopled with busy men in khaki.
Trees may be slashed and whittled and nicked and gashed and still stand; and when villages have been pulverized except for the timbering of the houses, a scarred shade tree will remain.
THE common Vervain hath somewhat long broad leaves next the ground deeply gashed about the edges, and some only deeply dented, or cut all alike, of a blackish green colour on the upper side, somewhat grey underneath.
How I brought thee tribute then-- Swollen corpses, gashed and gory, Heads and limbs of slaughter'd men?
There we found him, gashed and gory, Stretch'd upon the cumbered plain, As he told us where to seek him, In the thickest of the slain.
But the gashed and eroded sides of the mountains were filled with drifts of purple clouds that melted now in soft blue billows into the sky, now in ragged streams of crimson into canyons black in the distance.
It dropped zig-zag into canyons that were parched and cracked with late summer heat and lifted again to cross a peak whose top and sides had been blasted and left purple and gashed by an ancient volcano.
Then the chief engineer stumbled out--no hat nor coat, his head all blood where a flying bolt had gashed him.
The mast might come out of her, but that was better than being gashed amidships and sunk in thirty feet of water.
David's sword swept down, and a turbaned head was gashed by a mortal stroke.
Another of the Three sat upon the ground winding his thigh with the folds of a dead Arab's turban, blood streaming from his gashed face.
It gashed Grim Hagen from the lower corner of his chin clear back to the jawbone.
His left arm was gashed from elbow to wrist, and blood was dripping down his fingers.
Rubbing a gashed forearm and smiling as though such a meeting were an every-day occurrence he called out cheerfully.
The bruised, gashed and bleeding passengers are at last removed from the valley.
Gashed and bruised and broken, they were crowding up that lonely, chilly bank.
Each of his arms was marked as if deeply gashed with a knife at regular intervals, and there were other scars also, of a different character, on his back and on either breast.
They were gashed with numberless ravines; and as the sky had suddenly darkened, and a cold gusty wind arisen, the strange shrubs and the dreary hills looked doubly wild and desolate.
There seemed no shelter near, but we discerned at length a deep ravine gashed in the level prairie, and saw half way down its side an old pine tree, whose rough horizontal boughs formed a sort of penthouse against the tempest.
The plains were gashed with ravines and broken into hollows and steep declivities, which flanked our course, as, in long-scattered array, the Indians advanced up the side of the stream.
Not until dawn, like a knife, gashed the east with blood did he stir.
Away to the left, just over a rise, the hill was gashed by the grey steeps of the quarries.
As he charged with head down and the full impetus of his bulk, their fangs gashed him to the shoulder, but slantingly, so that the wounds were not deep.
In a moment he was liberated, and the dike-top strewn with gashed furry bodies.
Stripping off his zebra robe, he gashed himself until his body streamed with blood, mouthing out wild predictions as to the fate that would speedily befall our race for supplanting its own sorcerers in favour of the magic of a stranger.
Many of us were gashed with wounds, and streaming with blood; but those who fell were immediately speared and ripped by the men of Mhlangana.