Between the generating chamber and the gasholder is a three-way cock J in the gas connexion, which, when the gasholder is shut off from the generator, brings the latter into communication with a vent-pipe K leading to the open.
The charge of carbide is placed in a partitioned container, and is gradually attacked on the flooding principle by the water which enters from the gasholder tank when the ball valve is depressed.
From the gasholderit goes through a purifier containing "chemically treated coke and cotton" to the supply-pipe.
The "Javal" generating plant made by this firm consists of an equalising bell gasholder A in the tank B with a series of buckets D, with removable bottoms h, mounted on a frame F round the guide framing of the holder.
The gasholder of an acetylene installation serves not only to store the gas, but also to give the necessary pressure for driving it through the posterior apparatus and distributing mains and service-pipes.
The gas passes from the gasholder through a purifier K, charged with heratol, to the service-pipe.
The gasholder must be fitted with an appliance for removing any gas which may be generated (especially when the apparatus is first brought into action) after the available space is full.
From the gasholder the gas is delivered through the cock M to a purifier charged with a special purifying material mixed with cork waste and covered with wadding.
The bell L of the gasholder is connected by a chain C to the axis of the drum A, on which is a pinion with pawl so arranged that the pull on the chain caused by the fall of the bell of the gasholder rotates the drum by 1/8 of a turn.
The distributing appliance is actuated by a weighted cord H attached to the bell I of the gasholder and discharges at each time a quantity of carbide only sufficient nearly to fill the gasholderwith acetylene.
The tank for the gasholder is usually made by excavating a circular reservoir somewhat larger in diameter than the proposed holder.
The purified gas now passes to a gasholder (sometimes known as a gasometer), which may be either single lift, i.
Then water will run through a, and the gas will escape from the gasholder into the cylinder through b.
If the cocks be closed, the gas collected in the gasholder may be easily preserved and transported.
A glass tube f runs up the side of the vessel B, with which it communicates at the top and bottom, and shows the amount of water and gas the gasholder contains.
Then, having opened the orifice d, the gasholder acts like an aspirator; the gas will pass through e, and the water run out at d.
In order to fill the gasholder with a gas, it is first filled with water, the cocks a, b and e are closed, the nut d unscrewed, and the end of the tube conducting the gas from the apparatus in which it is generated is passed into d.
The new gasholder which has been erected by Messrs.
The wrought iron cupola-shaped roof of the gasholderhouse was designed by Herr W.
When the gasholder is perfectly empty, the three lifts are inclosed, one in the other, and rest with their lower edges upon the bottom of the tank.
The gasholder house at Erdberg is perfectly circular, and has an internal diameter of 63.
The tank in which the gasholder floats has an internal diameter of 61.
The gases to be separated, that is, the least volatile part of atmospheric air, enter the bulb B from a gasholder by the tube a with stop-cock c.
To use the apparatus, stop-cock d is closed and c opened, and gas allowed to pass from the gasholder into B, where it is condensed in the solid form.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gasholder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.