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Example sentences for "fused"

Lexicographically close words:
furze; furzy; fus; fuscous; fuse; fusee; fusees; fusel; fuselage; fuses
  1. The fused mass, when cold, is treated with cold water, and any remaining residue washed with a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and water.

  2. For this purpose, the fluid is evaporated to dryness, and the residue obtained fused with a mixture of nitrate and carbonate of soda.

  3. The picrotoxine present is now dissolved, and upon dehydrating (by means of fused chloride of sodium) and evaporating the ethereal solution can be obtained in crystals.

  4. The amount of salt present in the fused mass is then determined by the alkalimetric method, as directed in all works on quantitative analysis.

  5. Sodium is then fused under oil of naphtha, in order to cause the complete admixture of its particles, and the purity of the fused metal in regard to arsenic tested.

  6. If the second residue is fused with cyanide of potassium, the compounds present are reduced to the metallic state.

  7. This method was formerly executed as follows: Nitrate of potassa was fused in a crucible, and the substances to be destroyed added in small portions to the fused mass.

  8. Whichever process has been employed, the fused mass is decanted into a porcelain crucible, which has previously been heated in order to avoid danger of breakage.

  9. The precipitate is washed with water, to which a little sulphide of ammonium is added, then dried, and fused with four times its weight of a mixture of equal parts of carbonate and nitrate of potassa.

  10. Ambulacral pairs fused to form vertebrae with definite articular surfaces; mouth, radial and genital shields developed, though not all need be present in any one form.

  11. A vertebral arm-ossicle (fused ambulacrals) of a Zygophiuran, Ophiolepis.

  12. It gelatinizes on boiling with acid, and a fragment may be readily fused in the blowpipe flame, yielding a transparent globule.

  13. Sometimes a mineral has to be fused with borax, as I mention further on in my tables.

  14. This is done by heating the wire-loop to redness, and plunging it into some borax; what adheres is fused upon it by heating.

  15. With it was early fused the stories of the Holy Grail and of Parzival.

  16. These were gradually fused into long epic poems by the wandering minstrels.

  17. She shuddered in the grip of mortal renunciation, and called her state holy, when adoration and desire were fused in a burning beatitude at the approach of Brodrick.

  18. Its hills were fused with heaven in fires of sunset; they wore the likeness of the clouds, of vapour and fine air.

  19. Boussingault's English was frequently cast in a French mould and sometimes so fused that it was mere alloyage; but he never paused for a word, and he spoke with a fervour that was almost vehemence.

  20. The white heat of passion fused together two pieces of greatly differing metals, but when the passion cooled, the welding wouldn't hold: the joint snapped.

  21. Does anybody suppose that ten dollars of silver fused into a lump would not still be worth ten dollars if the lump were re-coinable?

  22. The triumphant gold sophist says, "The ten gold dollars fused into a lump will still be worth just ten dollars, while the silver dollars fused into a lump will be worth only five dollars.

  23. It is because the lump of fused gold is coinable again into dollars that it retains its value.

  24. Suppose that the lump of fused silver be coined into dollars again; how much will that be worth?

  25. Does anybody suppose that ten gold dollars fused into a lump would still be worth ten dollars if the lump were not re-coinable?

  26. It is because the lump of fused silver is not coinable again, under the present order, that it is not worth ten dollars.

  27. Of course the lump of fused gold will be worth ten dollars when it is coined and measured by itself!

  28. Everybody who has a premonitory symptom of common sense knows that the lump of fused silver will--if coinable again into dollars--be worth just as much as the lump of fused gold.

  29. Take the case upon which the goldites so greatly rely, that of the safe burned in a fire with a bag of gold coin and a bag of silver coin fused within.

  30. Tin, when mixed with lead and bismuth in certain proportions, is so fusible that it melts in boiling water, because it requires less heat to be fused than water does to be brought to a state of ebullition.

  31. The method of preparing it is still unknown, but it is supposed to be a kind of fused steel[829].

  32. Both metals can be fused in paper when it is closely wrapped round them.

  33. The pencils first used in Italy for drawing were composed of a mixture of lead and tin fused together, and the proportion was two parts of the former and one of the latter[968].

  34. The invention of converting bar iron into steel by dipping it into other fused iron, and suffering it to remain there several hours, is commonly ascribed to Reaumur[826].

  35. It is that where he says Alabandicus flows in the fire, and is fused at the glass-houses[568].

  36. Add to all these causes for apathy and desertion, the haughty jealousies of the several populations not yet wholly fused into one empire.

  37. Hence these classes became fused in each other, and were gradually emancipated by the same circumstances.

  38. They possess intrinsic utility, they are equably supplied, they may be easily divided and then fused again, they take a stamp, and they retain the same qualities everywhere and at all times.

  39. It would seem as if the fierce alembic of the last twenty-four hours had melted it like the pearl in the golden cup of Cleopatra, and it lay in the West a fused mass of transparent brightness.

  40. Now that Italy is united, and her many states fused into one, she should know the history of her communes, and trace out the history of her people.

  41. It was a slow transformation, during which Latin ideas and traditions steadily gained ground, and gradually fused or destroyed the barbarian laws and institutions.

  42. The outer crust showed the signs of fire,--the meteoric stone had been fused and ignited by its very rapid rush through the air--but the interior was entirely unaffected by the heat.

  43. The two accounts of the Deluge, supposed to be present in Genesis, therefore cannot be derived from the Gilgamesh epic, nor be later than it, seeing that what is still plainly separable in Genesis is inseparably fused in the epic.

  44. The writer has seen masses of straw fused in the same way.

  45. In the theory of these men, the molten veins of the interior represent conductors which are too small or imperfect to allow the electricity to pass freely, and are fused in consequence.

  46. Defn: Slender rods or tubes of colored glass fused together and embedded in clear glass; -- used for paperweights and other small articles.

  47. Stained glass, glass colored or stained by certain metallic pigments fused into its substance, -- often used for making ornament windows.

  48. It is prepared on a large scale, by the action of fused caustic soda or potash on sawdust, as a white crystalline substance, which has a strong acid taste, and is poisonous in large doses.

  49. Note: Meteorites usually show a pitted surface with a fused crust, caused by the heat developed in their rapid passage through the earth's atmosphere.

  50. Defn: Native lead phosphate with lead chloride, occurring in bright green and brown hexagonal crystals and also massive; -- so called because a fused globule crystallizes in cooling.

  51. Defn: A vitrified sand tube produced by the striking of lightning on sand; a lightning tube; also, the portion of rock surface fused by a lightning discharge.

  52. Defn: Lead protoxide, PbO, obtained as a yellow amorphous powder, the fused and crystalline form of which is called litharge; lead ocher.

  53. Venetian glass, a kind of glass made by the Venetians, for decorative purposes, by the combination of pieces of glass of different colors fused together and wrought into various ornamental patterns.

  54. Glass Making) Defn: The material of which glass is made, after having been calcined or partly fused in a furnace, but before vitrification.

  55. Defn: Tissue in which the cell or partition walls are wholly wanting and the cell bodies fused together, so that the tissue consists of a continuous mass of protoplasm in which nuclei are imbedded, as in ordinary striped muscle.

  56. Upon the withdrawal of the Romans, the Selgovae were conquered by Scots from Ireland, who, however, fused with the natives.

  57. In the darkening sky a few dots still twisted and rolled, black specks that abruptly burst into flame and fused out again.

  58. He ran for a distance, leaping from the side of a ruined defense-screen tower, onto the fused ground and down the side of a hill.

  59. The grand dualism between the mortal and the immortal is fused into a living narrative and makes the warp and woof of Homeric poesy.

  60. As already indicated there are three kinds of writing in it, yet fused together into unity, which makes it a most varied, yet profoundly suggestive piece of Art.

  61. There is one peculiarity about fused quartz which renders its manipulation easier than that of glass--it is impossible to break fused quartz, however suddenly it be thrust into the blow-pipe flame.

  62. The ebonite ring A is bored with four radial holes, through which are slipped from the inside the fused quartz bolt-headed pins B.

  63. The flint-glass tube is then fused down upon the platinum wire, care being taken to avoid the presence of air bubbles.

  64. The pebble fragments gave practically as good mirrors as the fused slices.

  65. Having occasion to require hitherto unapproached lightness and optical accuracy in such mirrors, I got my assistant to try making them of fused quartz, slices being cut by a diamond wheel from a rod of that material.

  66. The first fragment which is fused sufficiently to cohere may also be fused to a bit of tobacco pipe, or hard glass tube or rod, and the quartz stick gradually built up by fusing fresh pieces on to the one already in position.

  67. In seven years' experience I have never seen a bit of once fused quartz broken by sudden heating; whether it might be done if sufficient precautions were taken I do not know.

  68. Glass" borax is simply ordinary borax which has been fused for the purpose of getting rid of water of crystallisation.

  69. At the close of the operation a single drop of white enamel glass is fused round the platinum wire at a high temperature, so as to make a good joint with the protecting flint-glass tube.

  70. This side tube is next fused on to the main tube, special care being taken about the annealing, and the cathode terminal is then sealed into the main tube.

  71. Further protection may be attained for many purposes by coating the platinum wire with a sheath of glass, say half an inch long, fused to the platinum wire to a depth of one-twentieth of an inch all round.

  72. Since the glass or pipeclay will contaminate the quartz which has been fused on to it, it is necessary to discard the end pieces at the close of the operation.

  73. In the first place, spelter is merely rather soft brass, and consequently it often cannot be fused without endangering the rest of the work.

  74. Faraday examined also the electrolysis of certain fused salts such as lead chloride and silver chloride.

  75. The question of the application of the dissociation theory to the case of fused salts remains.

  76. Zinc is commonly deposited by electrolysis on iron or steel goods which would ordinarily be "galvanized," but which for any reason may not conveniently be treated by the method of immersion in fused zinc.

  77. The isolation of the metals sodium and potassium by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807 by the electrolysis of the fused hydroxides was one of the earliest applications of the electric current to the extraction of metals.

  78. It must be understood, however, that law and equity were not fused in the sense in which that phrase has generally been employed.

  79. The mature cone is fleshy, with the succulent scales fused together and forming the fruit-like structure known to the older botanists as the galbulus, or berry of the juniper.

  80. The parts of the mouth in these insects are exceedingly well adapted for examination; and as they are not fused or consolidated with each other, they serve to illustrate the typical constitution of the organs as existing in these animals.

  81. In other families the cap and stalk appear fused together and undistinguishable; or the fructification assumes the form of the cap or the stalk only, and the hymenium does not form gills.

  82. On crushing the cells by pressing upon the cover, the starch-granules will escape, swollen and partly fused together; but they may easily be recognized as consisting of starch by the iodine test.

  83. Metals are fused and welded by the use of the electric current.

  84. In 1892 it was discovered that lime and coal fused together in the intense heat of the electric furnace formed a crystalline, metallic-looking substance called calcium carbide.

  85. His plan was to record the various traditions about an event, choosing them with critical skill; sometimes, however, he fused the several traditions into a continuous narrative.

  86. That is necessarily a blood-holding structure and is obliterated and fused with soft tissues of the sternal region so that the lamellae cannot be detached and presented as standing out from it.

  87. The tergites of this region and those of the following region, the metasoma, are fused to form a second or posterior carapace in Limulus, whilst remaining free in Scorpio.

  88. Fused terga of the prosoma followed by the opisthosoma of four visible somites.

  89. Genera with small metasomatic carapace, consisting of three to six fused segments distinctly marked though not separated by soft membrane, are Harpes, Paradoxides and Triarthrus (fig.

  90. VIIgo, The genital somite or first somite of the mesosoma with the genital operculum (a fused pair of limbs).

  91. The appendage carrying the gill-book stands out on the surface of the body in Limulus, and has other portions developed besides the gill-book and its base; it is fused with its fellow of the opposite side.

  92. The third abdominal segment usually carries a pair of short appendages whose basal segments are fused together; this is the "catch" (fig.

  93. It had always been their idea that they should do the work together; so completely would they be fused in the fire of love, that she would share his soul states and write parts of his books.

  94. And in some mysterious and incredible way it would share their qualities; it would be a blending of their natures, a symbol of their union, of the strange fire that had blazed up in them and fused them together.

  95. The fused mass is extracted with water, nitric acid is added to the solution, and the precipitate obtained washed with water (J.

  96. It is formed, not from fused spicules, but as a secretion of a special layer of cells derived from the basal ectoderm, and known as calicoblasts.

  97. In the Tubipondae the spicules of the proximal part of the body-wall are fused together to form a firm tube, the corallite, into which the distal part of the zooid can be retracted.

  98. The pinnae are formed by the elongated autozooids, whose proximal portions are fused together to form a leaf-like expansion, from the upper edge of which the distal extremities of the zooids project.

  99. Most commonly the spicule-forming cells pass out of the ectoderm and are imbedded in the mesogloea, where they may remain separate from one another or may be fused together to form a strong mass.

  100. When inflammation has caused the joint-ends of the bones to be fused together the ankylosis is termed osseous or complete.

  101. When fused with caustic potash, it gives benzoic acid.

  102. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fused" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.