With every step forward taken by the Berlin school of enlightenment, it became more opposed to the main body of Judaism, vexing its susceptibilities, and thereby frustrating its own efficacy.
When difficulties threatened the accomplishment of any purpose and friend sought the counsel of friend, that purpose was frustrated by the latter even if he had any interest of the slightest value to subserve by frustrating it.
To tease or torment by presenting some good to the view and exciting desire, but continually frustrating the expectations by keeping that good out of reach; to tease; to torment.
TA appears to be especially useful in helping individuals who are caught in frustrating relationships to break free from self-destructive patterns or games.
Initially, there is likely to be a period of group confusion, awkward periods of silence, some polite superficial conversation, and often a frustrating lack of overall organization and continuity.
Therapy then proceeds to transactional analysis proper, in which frustrating or painful forms of communication and unsatisfying life directions are discussed.
Louis taxed his exceptional ingenuity in frustrating his aspiring vassal; and the emperor refused to crown Charles as king when he appeared at Trier eager for the ceremony.
During her long and wise reign Queen Elizabeth[322] succeeded not only in maintaining peace at home, but in frustrating the conspiracies and attacks of Philip II, which threatened her realm from without.
Too eager to embrace the bliss he has in prospect; frustrating his own purposes by inconsiderate haste; misplacing every thing, and undoing what he meant to do.
A positive condition is one that cannot be omitted withoutfrustrating the effect; a negative condition is one that cannot be introduced without frustrating the effect.
He devised a mode of frustrating the incursions of the Danes; for he repaired many ancient cities, or built new ones, in places calculated for his purpose, and filled them with a military force, to protect the inhabitants and repel the enemy.
The troubles of the succeeding reign had the effect of frustrating the development of various schemes of public utility proposed and eagerly sanctioned by James.
Our chief aim in reflective behavior is to discover ways and means by which a harmony may be achieved, a harmony of those very instincts which, left to themselves, would be in perpetual collision, frustrating and checking each other.
A society whose arrangements are such that instincts are, on the whole, being repressed rather than stimulated and satisfied, is frustratinghappiness rather than promoting it.
The latter had thus an opportunity of extending his line, and frustrating a vigorous effort made by the Count to cut his way into Brittany.
It however affords them the means of frustrating Epaminondas's new attempt on Corinth and the Peloponnesus.
The glory of frustrating the second mighty Persian invasion of Greece under Xerxes I.
On the other side, the more diligence and caution Paullus saw the Macedonians use, the more assiduously did he study to devise some means of frustrating those hopes, which the enemy had not without reason conceived.
Shortly after Grit discovers a conspiracy to rob the bank and promptly communicates his knowledge to the president, who succeeds in frustrating the plans of the robbers and secures their arrest.
For the first time Lydgate was feeling the hampering threadlike pressure of small social conditions, and their frustrating complexity.
If the designs of destiny were clear, it was equally evident that her friends were bent onfrustrating them.
He says he cannot avoid consenting to what the savages do in keeping the English busy and frustrating their advance since the French were restrained from open hostilities by the peace.
But the 5th Tank Battalion was already having a frustrating morning.
This process, frustrating and costly, took much of the afternoon.
Both armies thus approaching were now capable of frustrating concerted and combined action between the hostile bands of the Transvaal and those still lingering in Orange River Colony.
In brilliant style the Scots and the Welsh Fusiliers charged hill after hill, driving the Boers therefrom, but without frustrating the designs of De Wet, who had succeeded in getting across.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frustrating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: baffling; bootless; defeating; disconcerting; prevention; repression; trying