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Example sentences for "fritters"

Lexicographically close words:
friths; fritted; fritter; frittered; frittering; friuolous; frivolities; frivolity; frivolous; frivolously
  1. She tiptoed up beside him, placing the plate of fritters back on a pile of books, let her hands run lightly over his hair, kissed him on each swollen lid.

  2. Then she took up the plate of cloying fritters and tiptoed out, opening softly the door to a slit of a room across the hall.

  3. At any other moment I should have been greatly upset at this catastrophe, but I was not thinking of the pancakes and fritters now.

  4. Well, then, I should like apple-fritters best!

  5. Now the ice was really broken, and when the apple fritters arrived, frizzling crisply in their juice, Hertha thought the atmosphere was favourable for her great question.

  6. XXIV-7] These various kinds of fritters were, doubtless, much sought after by the populace, for Cicero speaks of them with profound disdain.

  7. So when I hit them corn fritters of Mrs. Whipple's that night in Gopher I had no more notion of quittin' the road than a prairie chicken has of breakin' into a hencoop.

  8. But say, Brother, no human being ever made tastier corn fritters than them.

  9. It is a custom amongst some people to have fritters for supper on the last night of 'Chanukah,'" said my mother, sighing.

  10. Had we for the Passover fritters or fresh "matzo"?

  11. We are having fritters tonight," Benny told me in the doorway.

  12. When removing fritters from hot fat place on coarse brown paper to absorb any remaining fat.

  13. Fritters composed of vegetables, or oysters, should be served on a platter garnished with parsley, and fritters composed of fruit, should have pulverized sugar sifted over them liberally.

  14. The fritters form into odd shapes a trifle larger than a fried oyster, when dropped in the fat.

  15. When the housewife is planning to fry fritters or croquettes she should, if possible, crumb the articles to be fried several hours before frying, and stand aside to become perfectly cold.

  16. The Germans make fritters of almost everything imaginable," continued the Professor's wife.

  17. She sent me a plate of the fritters and they were delicious.

  18. Drain the fritters on brown paper and garnish the platter upon which they are served with parsley.

  19. The thrifty German Hausfraus make fritters of everything imaginable, and sometimes unimaginable.

  20. When making oyster or clam fritters use same rule as for fruit fritters, using clam juice and milk instead of all milk.

  21. Serve up the fritters dredged with white sugar.

  22. Oyster fritters may be made as above: except that the oysters must be minced raw, and mixed into the batter without having been stewed.

  23. You may color these fritters pink by mixing in the batter a little prepared alkanet, the chips tied up in a thin muslin bag, and laid in a small saucer of sweet oil.

  24. As the fritters are fried, take them up with a perforated skimmer, and drain them.

  25. If there is not enough of lard, or if it only simmers, the fritters will stick to the bottom, and be heavy, dark, and greasy.

  26. Put in the batter in large spoonfuls, (so as not to touch,) and fry the fritters a light brown.

  27. You may make fritters with a large table-spoonful of any thick marmalade in the centre.

  28. Fritters may be colored green by mixing in the batter some of the juice obtained from pounded spinach leaves.

  29. Fry these fritters of a light brown on both sides, and take them out with a perforated skimmer, draining off the lard through its holes.

  30. If the fat is hot enough the fritters will puff out.

  31. Pork fritters are not to be despised, even at a hotel table; and with the above they can be made to suit the palate of the most fastidious.

  32. I wrote a book, I helped to expose Edith Conyngham, I drove Fritters out of the country with my ridicule, I shocked Bradford, and silenced McMeeter; and I have failed to move that wretch.

  33. Fritters went home, because the public lost interest in his lectures.

  34. These fritters may be made with boiled sweet potatoes, grated when cold.

  35. You may fry these fritters in lard, but they will not be so nice as if done in fresh butter.

  36. Roll the fritters in this, and send them to table hot.

  37. As the fritters are done, take them out, on a perforated skimmer, draining the lard back into the frying-pan.

  38. Dredge the fritters thickly with powdered sugar, and lay on each some preserved peach, plum, or other sweetmeat.

  39. Oyster fritters may be made as above; except that the oysters must be minced raw, and mixed into the batter without having been stewed.

  40. Presently, she set before me a tray of the most exquisite meats, such as ragouts and fritters soaked in honey and fricassees and fowls stuffed with sugar and pistachio-nuts, and we ate till we were satisfied.

  41. Cauliflower Fritters are made same as above, with cauliflower in place of celery.

  42. Make the fritters the shape of an egg, drop in and fry a light brown.

  43. A great deal of lard is required to fry fritters nicely; yet it is not extravagant, as it may be used again.

  44. In cool weather, make the fritters about nine in the morning, in the summer, about eleven.

  45. The remainder of the onions place round the fritters on the dish.

  46. Let some butter or oil boil in the frying-pan, drop the batter by spoonfuls into the boiling fat; fry a golden brown, and serve the fritters with vegetables and brown sauce.

  47. You shall learn to cook the fritters at our next lesson," said Mrs. Herbert.

  48. I think we shall enjoy frying fritters as well as making pancakes," said the two children together.

  49. They fell to and ate till Mammy Stevens's face lighted up and shone like a piece of polished ebony; and she laughed and chuckled till she was almost white to see young Joe tuck away corn fritters and country sausage.

  50. Joe wants to know if you've brought any of those corn fritters down with you, Cousin Ed?

  51. My maid gave me some fritters for dinner, of a kind I had not ordered, and when I asked her what they were, she said hassu, that is, the lotus.

  52. Pick over the broken ones and save the largest pieces of them with which to make Chocolate Pecan Fritters (see recipe), and the small pieces you may chop up fine and use for centers.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fritters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.