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Example sentences for "fossil wood"

  • All this rich land was thickly strewed with small fragments of fossil wood, in silex, agate, and chalcedony.

  • These fragments of fossil wood in rich soils of plains or downs above formations of sandstone, are found in various parts of Australia, and I have seen fossil wood from similar plains in Tasmania.

  • Fragments of a ferruginous conglomerate of water-worn pebbles, apparently identical with those in the basin of the Darling, in some places accompany these angular fragments of fossil wood.

  • Now, what a profusion of this species of fossil wood is to be found in the cabinets of collectors, and even in the hands of lapidaries, and such artificers of polished stones!

  • Fossil wood, to naturalists in general, is wood dug up from under ground, without inquiring whether this had been the production of the present earth, or that which had preceded it in the circulation of land and water.

  • These are pieces of fossil wood, penetrated with a siliceous substance, which are brought from England, Germany, and Lochneagh in Ireland.

  • In other specimens of this mineralising operation, fossil wood, penetrated, more or less, with ferruginous and calcareous substances, has been afterwards penetrated with a flinty substance.

  • Such a process of petrifaction is still more remarkably exhibited in fossil wood, in which we often perceive not only the rings of annual growth, but all the minute vessels and medullary rays.

  • In like manner, a piece of fossil wood (a, fig.

  • I discovered a small lake on the larger of the two islands, and many battered and ground fragments of fossil wood, large and small.

  • These difficulties, however, Eozoon shares with other specimens in micro-geology, and I have experienced similar disappointments in the case of fossil wood.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fossil wood" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coalition ministry; economic theory; fossil fishes; fossil fuel; fossil insects; fossil plants; fossil remains; fossil shells; fossil species; fossil state; fossil wood; heavy fighting; human sympathy; impartial jury; living species; long talk; might lead; strong escort; the gate; then thou; veratrum viride; while that; while when; who hath; will speake; would like