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Example sentences for "foes"

Lexicographically close words:
foeman; foemen; foemina; foeminae; foer; foetal; foetid; foetor; foetus; foetuses
  1. Now the peace is made at the foes rate,<51.

  2. Thy heros did with gentleness or'e come Thy foes themselves, but one another first, Whilst envy stript alone was left, and burst.

  3. TO LET "From out the fatal loins of those two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.

  4. Then to her owne country shee backe did returne, 85 Still holding the foes of faire England in scorne; Therfore English captaines of every degree Sing forth the brave valours of Mary Ambree.

  5. Then playeris played, and songsters song, To gled the mirrie host, 70 Quho feared not thair foes strong, Nor zet Argylles boste.

  6. And when that death through every lim 185 Had done his greatest spite, Her chiefest foes did plaine confesse She was a glorious wight.

  7. But sithe your Grace in forraine coastes, Among your foes unkind, 90 Must go to hazard life and limme, Why should I stay behind?

  8. Her foes they besett her on everye side, As thinking close siege shee cold never abide; To beate down the walles they all did decree: 55 But stoutlye deffyd them brave Mary Ambree.

  9. Now nay, now nay, my lady deare; Far lever had I lose my life, 30 Than leave among my cruell foes My love in jeopardy and strife.

  10. My Rose in robes of pearl and gold,[L117] With diamonds richly dight, Shall daunce the galliards of my love, While I my foes do smite.

  11. But first you must come tell to me, 25 If friends or foes you be; I fear you are Montrose's men, Come frae the north country.

  12. My Rose shall rest in Woodstocke bower, With musickes sweete delight, While I among the pierceing pikes 115 Against my foes do fight.

  13. But the destruction of His foes is not the only, nor the chief result of His Ascension.

  14. And the enemies which He came to conquer were spiritual--the great enemy of the whole human race--not the earthly foes of the one race of Israel.

  15. The Yorkists began to be scattered; several times Dick found himself alone among his foes and plying his bright sword for life; several times he was conscious of a hurt.

  16. For their open foes of the party of York, in these most changing times, they felt but a far-away concern.

  17. Yet even foes and men unfriendly, that land on a strange coast, and Zeus grants them a prey, and they have laden their ships and depart for home; yea, even on their hearts falls strong fear of the wrath of the gods.

  18. Heaven grant I may have foes eno' to reward all my friends!

  19. Nay, sure I am, that if I dared to wed thee while his anger lasts, he would condemn thee as a sorceress, and give me up to the secret hate of my old foes the Woodvilles.

  20. I see I shall have many secret foes in this city: wilt not thou at least be Warwick's open friend?

  21. Better foes out of my realm than in it," answered Edward, dryly.

  22. I dare own to thee that he was a Lollard; and with the religion of those bold foes to priest-vice, goes a spirit that asks why the people should be evermore the spoil and prey of lords and kings.

  23. How different from the hearty greeting of his warrior-friends was the measured courtesy of foes who had felt and fled before his sword!

  24. The duchess was prepared for the first tidings that Edward's foes fled before him.

  25. The young duke, his visor raised, contemplated the fallen foes in silence.

  26. All that long night the fugitives had respite, though foes beset them upon either hand, on the one side that great host, on the other side the sea.

  27. And two nights after they escaped their foes God bade the noble prince to make encampment about the town of Etham in the marchlands, with all his force, a mighty army, and tumult of the host.

  28. Then our Lord took counsel in the thoughts of His heart how He might people, with a better host, the great creation, the native seats and gleaming mansions, high in heaven, wherefrom these boastful foes had got them forth.

  29. Most haste is best now, that ye may escape the clutch of foes since God hath reared a rampart of the red seastreams.

  30. Therefore with mighty power Holy God ordained, beneath the arching heavens, that earth and sky and the far-bounded sea should be established, earth-creatures in the stead of those rebellious foes whom He had cast from heaven.

  31. Like all of them his advertisement dwelt much on love and money: The great questions of life are quickly solved, failure turned to success, sorrow to joy, the separated are brought together, foes made friends.

  32. It was an anxious gathering of friends and foes of Dr.

  33. Spaniard, that when the men cannot be conquered, even in half a century of furious oppression, their baffled foes can wreak their vengeance on the helpless women and children!

  34. They knew that there were treacherous foes behind them every hour of their lives; and yet they were not afraid.

  35. Then we stood ready in case our foes should get to close quarters.

  36. They did not go very far but turned back as if frightened, with the purpose of drawing their foes into pursuit.

  37. This was a feature quite satisfactory to friends, but impossible for foes to deal with.

  38. All soldiers stationed anywhere else will emulate you and foes will be terror-stricken.

  39. Though foes from the ends of the earth should rage, The towering battlements ever shall stand.

  40. May plenty still around thee smile And God's great help thy foes beguile, In Wisdom's path be sure to tread And her fair daughter Virtue wed.

  41. As daylight came they saw hands and arms protruding from the snow, but only slowly did they realize that the chief of their foes was killed.

  42. Where men stalked their foes along the railway embankment, where men won military medals and D.

  43. For although the Guards re-established the line once more it broke again in the succeeding March, when once more the Germans pursued their foes through the jetsam-covered streets of Gouzeaucourt.

  44. Here in this narrow no-man's land where but a week ago had been that "clash by night," foes met as friends.

  45. And so Hannibal ever ordained his ambushes with such skill that his foes might never think his strength to be greater than it appeared for the moment.

  46. This negligence struck Herrera, who knew by experience, that, with such active and wily foes as the Carlists, no precaution could be dispensed with, however superfluous it might seem.

  47. Be Thou my helmet, breast-plate, sword, and shield, And make my foes before Thy power yield.

  48. Is compassed about; Her foes about her thick resort, Within and eke without.

  49. More shots were heard as my Ojibway friends caught sight of their Sioux foes endeavouring to escape.

  50. It was the intention of my companions, if possible, to make the onslaught on the camp of their foes at night.

  51. We could see the gleam of the scalping knives which his foes had drawn, thirsting for his blood.

  52. Though dismasted herself, she had her foes fast so that they could not escape.

  53. And so says this courteous host of mine, 'being the foes of mankind, why make enemies of good spirits into the bargain, by still shouting the names of evil ones?

  54. He drank wine alone to stupefy himself; and paralyze a moment the dark foes to man that preyed upon his soul.

  55. So rubbed I their foible, who first rubbed mine; for of all a traveller's foes I dread those giants twain, Sir Noise, and eke Sir Stench.

  56. We soldiers vapour with long swords: and even in war beget two foes for every one we kill; but you smooth gownsmen, with soft phrases and bare bodkins, 'tis you that thin mankind.

  57. But the fair eyes were wet even now, looking kindly and gratefully at the friend that had dropped among her foes as if from heaven: Gerard's comrade.

  58. Surrounded by mocking foes and detractors, it was difficult for me to realize the persons of my people's heroes or the events in which they moved.

  59. Whenever we could, we spared our own kind, directing against our racial foes the cunning wiles which our bitter need invented.

  60. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household" (Matt.

  61. Several thousand of these mercenaries took service immediately with the Malcontents under Montigny, thus swelling the ranks of the deadliest foes to that land over which Anjou had assumed the title of protector.

  62. They had foes enough already, and it seemed obvious at that moment, to all persons most observant of the course of affairs, that a matrimonial alliance was soon to unite the two crowns.

  63. Alone stood brave Horatius, but constant still in mind; Thrice thirty thousand foes before, and the broad flood behind.

  64. Yet onwards push'd the Cavaliers all stern and undismay'd, With thousand armèd foes before, and none behind to aid.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.