Starling and Miss Lane-Claypon concluded from their experiments on rabbits that the hormone originated in the foetuses themselves within the pregnant uterus.
Foa states that extracts of foetuses of cows produced swelling of the mammae in a virgin rabbit.
The foetuses of that period, with practically no exceptions, die and show marked traces of impeded growth.
Foetuses from the later period of pregnancy are born alive, and apparently fully developed, with comparatively slight changes in the osseous system.
In many instances the foetuses were still alive, though the parent had been dead for many hours.
Home have shown to occur in the oxygenation of the eggs and foetuses of vertebrate animals[329].
When there are preternatural excesses in formation, it is probable that twins were intended: thus we see foetuses with double heads, or with two bodies.
Anatomical investigations confirmed this opinion, since in double-headed foetuses two distinct sets of organs are generally found.
Some foetuses have been found whose lips were not separated, and others without any opening in the oesophagus.
If these foetuses were produced by the means of eggs, would not they come successively, according as the eggs come to perfection, after the time of impregnation?
It is, therefore, probable that foetuses are often formed in the vagina, but which fall out as soon as they are formed, because there is nothing to retain them.
He observes, as something particular to a ewe, that there are never more glandular substances in the testicles than foetuses in the matrix.
It may also sometimes happen, that foetuses are formed in the trunks; but this case is very rare, and cannot happen but when the seminal liquor of the male enters the matrix in great plenty.
The collection of anatomical observations makes mention of foetuses not only being found in the trunks, but also in the testicles.
At the end of twenty-one days he opened it again, and found two foetuses in the upper part, that is between the testicles and the ligature; but in the lower part there was no foetus.
It is impossible to demonstrate the existence of syphilitic lesions infoetuses expelled during the first months of pregnancy.
According to Mewis, the skin eruptions cannot be seen before the eighth month, and are only recognizable on foetuses whose death has been very recent or who are born living.
Those of the pancreas are met with in about half the foetuses which perish a little before or a little after birth.
In these twenty-five cases ten foetuses reached full term, but four of the five certain cases ruptured at early periods.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foetuses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.