Each floret well filled with petals rising towards the centre, that it may appear to the eye a little convex.
Floret of Gaillardia, showing leafy shoot occupying the place of the ovule.
As the spreading style-branches that fringe each tinyfloret are furnished with hairs for three-quarters of their length, the pollen caught in them comes in contact with the alighting visitor.
When a floret opens, a quantity of pollen emerges at the upper end of the anther cylinder, pressed up by the growing style.
But in the deep tube of each floret there is nectar secreted for the flying visitor who can properly transfer pollen from flower to flower.
On the removal of his pressure, the floret springs back to its closed condition, to protect the precious nectar and pollen from rain and pilferers.
Several series of pink overlapping bracts form the oblong involucre from which the tubular floret and its protruding fringe of style-branches arise.
Each minute floret has its five anthers so widely spread away from the stigmas that self-pollination is impossible; but with the help of small, winged pollen carriers plenty of cross-fertilized fruit forms.
Now the pollen is elevated to a point where any insect crawling over the floret must remove it.
Each floret of itself could hope for no attention from busy insects; united, how gorgeously attractive these disks of overlapping rays are!
Each floret insures cross-pollination from insects crawling over the head, much as the minute yellow tubes in the center of a daisy do (q.
Draw, on a large scale, a singlefloret from each, 2.
Now, take one single floret and examine it, please.
Oh yes," said Frank, "at the top of the floret I can see five distinct teeth, and five ridges run down from them.
On the top of it and all round the petal part of the floret there are long silky hairs.
The lower part of the floret is tubular, but it opens up into a long yellow strap-shaped petal.
The seed-vessel in the large white floret is small and flat," said Tom.
If you look again at a single floret you will see that this short stout stack bears the long straight hairs I spoke of.
The central lobe is oblong and hollow, covering a small supernumerary floret inserted [204] at its base.
But in the rare instances where it does prolong its growth, it may repeat the abnormality and bear a second floret above the first.
Prone to the earth He bends his brow superb, Crops the young floret and the bladed herb; Lolls his red tongue, and from the reedy side Of slow Euphrates laps the muddy tide.
The ovary of each floret contains only one seed; and the fruit, which is called an achenium, retains the pappus when ripe, and falls without opening.
Each florethas a calyx, the tubular part of which is rarely sufficiently distinct to be perceptible, but the limb is generally cut into long feathery segments called pappus.
With its long sucker it probes industriously floret after floret of the crowded head, and extracts from each its wee drop of buried nectar.
Floret will give you our records, and will explain it to you by word of mouth; we have not had time to have it copied.
You will not object to this, inasmuch as we wish Floret to leave at once.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "floret" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bloom; blossom; blow; floriculture; flower; gardening; horticulture; posy