It was like a florescence of that dear belated creature whose mind had been awakened by his affection.
And that which she desired was fortune in another guise, a new birth for her daughter with wealth and the florescence of life amid the victors and powerful ones of to-morrow.
Idle as he was, too, it seemed to him a pleasant occupation to initiate that young priest, who was said to be so intelligent, into what he deemed the inimitable side, the true florescence of Roman life.
It is a haunting passion, a form of involuntary debauchery, the fated florescence of that compost of ruins, that dust of edifices whence new edifices are ever arising.
At first sight the reign of this bourgeois prince would seem to have little enough connexion with the florescence and decadence of the very antitype of bourgeoisie, but this is only a further reason for not neglecting history.
History establishes the florescence and decline of the classic vie de Bohème beyond much doubt, for it went with the florescence and decline of a common spirit.
Hardly a visitor to Paris omits a look into the Louvre, but very few know that as they walk from the statue of Gambetta to the entrance of the galleries they are crossing the site that Bohemia in its florescence made memorable.
It needs no wonderful discernment to see in these women the rise and florescence of the New England spirit which has come down to our own day and has permeated and informed the whole American genius of femininity.
While this movement is not peculiar to America, it is in this country that it first gave signs of florescence and has taken deepest root.
But he also decides that in that epoch the first florescence of French literature withered away (p.
Art was a unit, and its divine florescence spread from France over all Europe.
It had seemed as if those two coming weddings, celebrated the same day, would be like the supreme florescenceof the family's long happiness and prosperity.
The sun's rays poured over it, and life blazed there in a florescence of health and beauty.
And here, faith in life had yielded prosperity, ever-increasing, overflowing wealth, all the sovereign florescence of happy fruitfulness.
She was completing the appointed work; and motherliness, at last awakened within her, was blossoming in a florescence of love.
Candid and smiling, those all but centenarian heroes triumphed in the overflowing florescence of their race.
From each that departed, a whole florescence of living beings seemed to blossom forth.
But all at once he felt how futile discussion would be in presence of that admirable scene; that mother surrounded by such a florescence of vigorous children; that mother nursing yet another child, under the big oak which she had planted.
Thus it seemed to Mathieu that instead of leaving his work behind him in full florescence of kindliness, joy, and vigor, he would see it cast to the ground in fragments, soiled, and dead even before he were dead himself.
It is worth while in this connection to note afresh how closely is art florescence bound up with economic forces.
The efficient cause of the great florescence of Italian art from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century was economic--the unparalleled demand for art on the part alike of the cities, the Church, the princes, and the rich.
The chief florescence of Elizabethan drama is to be understood in the light of economic causation; and the decline is to be understood similarly.
The brave little towns which start up there with their too early florescence of avenue and public square, the courageous acres which the vineyardist clears in the chamisal and the chamise takes again!
In the Spring the rich florescence of the conifers sheds pollen in drifts that, carried down the melting water, warn the sheep-herder and the orchardist a hundred miles away of the advancing season.
In filmy evanescence Wraithlike scents assemble, Then dissolve and tremble A little until they die; Spirits of the florescence Where the bees searched and tarried Till the blossoms all were married In the days before July.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "florescence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bloom; blossom; blow; florescence; flowering; juvenility; tenderness; unfolding