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Example sentences for "fleshless"

Lexicographically close words:
fleshed; fleshes; fleshhook; fleshing; fleshings; fleshlie; fleshliness; fleshly; fleshpots; fleshy
  1. The fleshless forearm and hand of a child protruded from the thatch; the fingers were spread out as in the act of grasping.

  2. Attached to the gray worsted stocking which covered his fleshless calf was a fluffy black hairy ball, with one little red eye glancing up, and the gleam of two white teeth where it held its grip.

  3. With a sudden movement he threw back the long sleeves of his gown and shot out his white fleshless arms.

  4. His fleshless face would have looked like the face of a mummy, but for the restless brightness of his little watchful black eyes.

  5. His head is the fleshless skull, showing the truncated nose, the grinning teeth, and fleshless lower jaw, sometimes even the cranial sutures are portrayed.

  6. Here a full front view of a 10 head is shown in which the fleshless jaw extends clear across the lower part of the head, an interesting confirmation of the fact that this characteristic is the essential element of the head for 10.

  7. Although the lower part of this glyph is somewhat weathered, enough still remains to show that this head originally had a fleshless lower jaw, a character increasing its value by 10.

  8. In A4 10 tuns are very clearly recorded; note the fleshless lower jaw of the tun head.

  9. The 10 head is clearly the fleshless skull, having the truncated nose and fleshless jaws (see fig.

  10. This head has no fleshless lower jaw and consequently would seem, therefore, not to be built up of the heads for 1 and 10.

  11. It has also the fleshless lower jaw of the head for 10.

  12. The curl protruding from the back part of the mouth is wanting because the whole lower part of the 4 head has been replaced by the fleshless lower jaw.

  13. Note the fleshless lower jaw of this head and compare it with the same element in figure 52, m-r.

  14. He was a voice--a fleshless and sublime thing, as on that memorable night--the night when he went walking over the sea to make coffee for perishing sinners.

  15. It was he, with his fleshless body and dark, equivocal-looking countenance, who must be in the wrong, and indulging in unrighteous dreams.

  16. The hair still clung to that head, and hung down over the fleshless forehead, giving it more the appearance of Death in life, and lending a new horror to that which already pervaded this Dweller in the Ship.

  17. The jaws had fallen apart, and that fearful grin which is fixed on the fleshless face here seemed like an effort at a smile of welcome.

  18. Some are still seen, prone on the brim of an incipient hole, with their trenching-tools in their fleshless hands or looking at them with the cavernous hollows where shrivel the entrails of eyes.

  19. By the searchlight's shaft I saw it clearly, fleshless and worn, a sort of withered fin.

  20. He remained in the gloom; the light from the lantern fell brightly upon his hands alone--meager, fleshless hands which seemed to represent hardly more strength than that of a child.

  21. He had vast hands, all loose skin and outstanding tendons; he had a fleshless face over which his smile was capable of extending limitlessly.

  22. All round the Emperor's Tomb the ghouls were prowling, and the soulless corpses were as restless as the fleshless souls that whimpered and moaned in the night.

  23. Of small stature and apparently great age, the bent apparition supported itself by a crooked staff, the fleshless fingers barely visible under the cover of the ample sleeve, and resembling the claws of some bird of prey.

  24. He wore a long black cassock, which covered his fleshless form from head to toe.

  25. He saw the gleam of knives held between fleshless fingers, and he saw now that both were struggling for the possession of something that was upon the table.

  26. At that moment, with his fallen features, his fleshless nose, he was a grinning mummy head.

  27. He was hunting automatically for the fleshless face and angular body of a jockey; among them all Charlie Haig came the closest to this light ideal.

  28. The yellow light flickered over the shrivelled features of the mummies, and gleamed upon rounded skulls and long, white arm-bones crossed over fleshless chests.

  29. The scorching sun seemed to have no power upon his fleshless frame, for he wore a low fur cap, as though it had been winter.

  30. Great was the astonishment of all people at the meagreness of Kant's appearance; and it was universally agreed that a corpse so wasted and fleshless had never been beheld.

  31. He looked down at them, saw the white gleam of a robe that fell down his length in smooth, still folds, saw his hands--greenish skin stretched tight over fleshless bones.

  32. Skulls leered at him from beneath the hoods--fleshless skulls; tinted a pale green!

  33. DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN Within my dark and narrow bed I rested well, new-laid: I heard above my fleshless head The grinding of a spade.

  34. Big tears streamed from his eyes down his fleshless cheeks, and the corners of his mouth contracted like those of a vexed child.

  35. His eye and his mind were both attracted and fascinated by this fleshless visage, which the vacillating light caused to appear yet more hollow.

  36. The deer trumpet in terror, wolves howl, snakes hiss horribly, and on the following morning there have been seen clearly marked in the snow the prints of the fleshless feet of the skeletons.

  37. For a moment he believed that a cold and fleshless hand was holding him there with strength invincible.

  38. The fearsome sight of hollow eye-sockets and grinning, fleshless jaws, gave a sudden strength to the frightened man, and he uttered a faint terrorized scream.

  39. It was nearly dusk, but they could see quite clearly the hollow eye-sockets and the awful teeth of the fleshless face.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fleshless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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