Unhairing and fleshing by hand labour is still common, in order to avoid great pressure on the plumped hide.
By fleshing before liming a more regular action of the lime is obtained.
After unhairing andfleshing the goods are bated in pigeon dung for four days at a temperature of about 78 deg.
It is done with a very sharp knife, similar to thefleshing knife, and on a more upright beam than that used by tanners.
If the fleshing is not done directly after dehairing, the hides or skins should be placed in a weak lime liquor, and this method is to be recommended.
The early types of fleshing machines were not a success, but the modern machine is very effective.
The rough parts are removed by the fleshing knife.
Any excrescences must be carefully removed with the fleshing knife, and their edges neatly pared.
They are then removed, and cleared from hair and impurities, by using thefleshing knife upon the horse; after which they must be completely freed from the lime by a thorough washing.
They are steeped in water, in order to be cleaned and softened; after which they are thinned inside by the fleshing knife.
Before fleshing a cased skin be sure that there are no burrs or other foreign substances in the fur, for such would cause you to cut the skin, then draw the pelt on the board, fur side in.
For fleshing cased skins I use two boards, one about three inches wide and three feet long for small skins, and the other five inches wide and four feet long for larger ones.
None too happy, the boys now proceeded to paddle the bidarka up the creek to its old resting-place in the lagoon, after which they busied themselves rather half-heartedly about camp work, a part of which was further fleshing of the bear hides.
One thing of value it seemed to establish beyond doubt--Jimmy and Skookie, as they both worked at fleshing the hide, had dropped their mutual suspicions and become hunting companions.
From time to time other fleshing machines are put on the market, yet none of them seems to enjoy any great popularity, for fleshing is still largely a manual operation.
With some classes of pelts, fleshing presents some difficulties, and chemical means have to be resorted to in order to loosen the flesh sufficiently to enable proper fleshing.
A fleshing knife of the type commonly used is shown in Fig.
It is fashioned after the models used for the fleshing of hides for leather manufacture, and has special adjustments and regulating devices which afford protection for the hair part of the fur.
Or, the stretching may be done on the fleshing bench, substituting a dull blade for the fleshing knife.
They are placed on the beam, and fleshed with a fleshing or skiving knife similar to the beaming knife, but consisting of a slightly curved, sharp two-edged blade having handles at both ends.
A mixture of salt water and bran is then applied to the skins, thereby causing a swelling action to set in, and the flesh becomes loosened, and is easily removed by fleshing on the beam.
An empty lard tub, a half barrel or a large earthenware jar to hold the tan liquor, a fleshing knife and a fleshing beam are necessary to begin with at least.
The first operation is to soak the hide, as no hide can be properly tanned unless it has been soaked and broken on a fleshing beam.
Then take out and rub with a fleshing knife--an old chopping knife with the edge taken off will do.
The skin of the muskrat is quite tender, and the fleshing should be carefully performed.
This consists in laying the skin, fur side down, over some smooth beam, and working over the flesh side with a blunt fleshing tool.
Here let it remain from one to five days, or until the hair will shed easily, after which it should be finished with the fleshing knife and velveted with sand paper.
An old chopping knife, or tin candlestick, forms an excellent substitute for the ordinary fleshing knife, and the process of rubbing should be continued until the skin becomes dry, after which it will be found to be soft and pliable.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fleshing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.