The centre column did not attempt to move forward until the flankers had fought their way to the rear of the mouth of the pass.
But he walked forward with Lana through the open forest, and I followed beside Lois; and, without any signal from me my Indians quietly glided out ahead, silently extending as flankers on either side.
Before the scattered tribes could rally for a second attack, with flankers out, and skirmishers in advance, the cavalrymen rode straight down the valley toward the retreating hostiles.
Move with caution, your flankers well out; both Hamlin and Corbin will go with you.
Almost at the same instant the flankers on the bluffs to the left were seen waving their hats and spurring about in violent excitement, pointing towards the south.
One or two flankers galloped to meet him, and the next thing a sergeant came rushing to Truscott at the head of column.
Besides, probably a smaller party has been sent from the flankers to lie in wait and get us as we go through the lagoon.
With the muzzle describing an arc of several degrees, many of the flankers were hit.
The infantry remained in fours, with no flankers out, and still only eight men were in front as an advance guard.
No mounted troops accompanied these train reconnaissances, but doubtful ground was, as a rule, made good by flankers on foot, detailed when required from the infantry in the train.
The flankers ranged like pigeons In clouds through field or wood; The flocks of all those regions, The herds and horses good, Poured in and swelled the legions, For they caught the marching mood.
Picked lads and keen went sharp before-- A guard, though scarce against surprise; And rearmost rode an answering troop, But flankers none to right or left.
We can see no flankers or scouts, but feel confident that our general has not shoved the nose of his column into such a trap without rigid reconnoissance.
We then formed a line of battle, to repel any attack until the train was ready to start; then we threw out flankers on each side of the road, and in that way we marched in, without being attacked.
When the train was loaded and ready to return, flankerswere thrown out on each side of the road, and in that way, succeeded in reaching camp without the loss of a man.
The band was formed in close column, and flankers went ahead, preceding it but a few yards, and attentively examining the thickets.
The Indians, when they start on a dangerous expedition, always throw out as flankers intelligent men, ordered to discover the enemy and protect the detachment from any surprise.
Few beaters comparatively are required; the positions of flankers and stops are often clearly indicated by the natural configuration of the crests.
Sometimes both flankers and drivers are seen to be engaged at once, and a pretty sight it is to the prostrate gunners to watch the equestrian manoeuvres.
The drivers should number three--the centre to flush the birds, two flankers to gallop at top speed in any direction should the game diverge from the required course or attempt to break out laterally.
Had I not been mixed up in a fight as I approached the Brown farm I would have sent two men as left flankers across country to the cut on the Chester Pike on the western edge of the Boling Woods.
If, from the road the country for, say one-half mile on each side, can be seen, there is absolutely no use in sending outflankers a few hundred yards from the road.
The flankers will be sent out from time to time by Sergeant B as necessary.
The patrol should observe the march of the column from a concealed position that hostile patrols or flankers are not apt to search (avoid conspicuous places).
All of you should have caught the idea of the principal duties of the point and flankers of an advance guard.
The main body of the patrol usually remains halted near the crossroads, while flankers do the reconnoitering.
Don't send flankers out unless they are necessary.
In such cases the patrol will probably have to follow the road in order to make the necessary speed, and it will not be possible for flankers to keep up this rate marching off the road.
On approaching a defile, if time permits, the heights on either side are reconnoitered by flankers before the patrol enters.
There is no necessity of sending out flankers north of the road at first, because from the road itself a good view is obtained.
As soon as the necessity for flankers on one side of the line of march no longer exists, signal for them to rejoin and do not send them out again so long as you can see from the road all the country you should cover.
There was some semblance of flankers and a rear guard now, and even the cannons were not forsaken.
At dawn the animals were turned out to graze under a strong guard and before noon the caravan was on its way again, its rear guard and flankers doubled in strength.
The flankers rode far and wide searching endlessly for game and usually wound up with the advance guard, a mile or more ahead.
This fortified summit is said to be five or six coss in circuit, walled all round, and having towers and flankers every here and there, so that it is impregnable unless by treachery.
It is entirely surrounded by a brick-wall, built in a very warlike manner, with flankers and towers, scouring in all directions; and I have been told by some that it was first built by the Chinese.
Why haven't they sent out flankers to cross the river?
I think," said Henry, "that they're going to try the flankers now.
I don't see no signs of flankers turnin' off from the crossin'.
Here the head of the column halted, and the flankers drew in near the road.
As the horsemen approached the caves at a canter, flankers were extended on either side to prevent surprise.
Two bodies of horsemen, each a dozen strong, were sent out to make a wide detour on either flank, while flankers were also sent out on either side of the column.
These, with skirmishers and flankers on the left, and supported by two half-companies of the Buffs and 99th, now moved forward at a steady pace.
Where a sandy ridge ran parallel with the course of the Company, the flankers advanced along the crest of it, that they might watch the country which lay beyond.
Having fired their warning shots, the flankers were running for their lives to join the main body.
For the quarry we hunt is a shadow in front That flits, and comes never to bay; A feather of smoke to the zenith, The print of a hoof in the sod, A shot from the grass where the far flankers pass Sending one more poor comrade to God.
But the chief with the flankers had gained the rear, And flew on the trail of the flying herd.
Instead of remaining with the column, where they would never be of the slightest use, he takes them right out to the limits of his flankers or advance or rear guard, or wherever there is most need of them.
My left flankers got round and rejoined me in front.
We marched with neither advanced guard nor flankers for the first half mile; then Joe Scott halted us and made Nick Stoner put away his beloved fife and sent him out on our right flank where the forest was heavy.
The horses, four abreast, were at a fast walk; flankers galloped ahead on either wing.
But my flankers now reported the enemy turning my right with at least a brigade of infantry.
The head of Prince's column, however, was on the more direct road to Tom Morris' house, with flankers and cavalry well to the right.
But Sandy could see the flankers on their left until within the last five minutes.
Far out to the east and west the flankers moved steadily northward, keenly watching the slopes beyond them and scanning the crooked line of the arroyo ahead.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flankers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.