The multiplication of clubs has not only spoilt to some extent the fixtures of the elder clubs, but also prevents the younger ones from getting exactly the matches they want.
With a few individual digressions, there the bulk of the home fixtures were contested until, in 1881, the University settled down on its own admirable ground in the University Parks.
The old counter, shelves, and other fixtures of the little shop remained just as he had left them.
Mr. Lambert, one of the important problems of this store is to house your stock in new fixtures and at the same time widen your aisles.
The upshot of it was that he made a complete ground plan of the Lambert store with a modern selling arrangement and New Way fixtures in their proper places.
A large number of small tools such as drills, taps, reamers, and the like, and also numerous jigs and fixtures of various kinds, are drawn daily from the Tool Room and returned there after being used.
The walls were covered with blue paper, figured with small flowers of a grayish tint, {461}and the curtains and fixtures were in harmony with the walls.
At a church in Odessa he broke a part of the fixtures on {109}the altar because he insisted upon picking them up, and he only escaped trouble by pretending not to understand what was said to him.
A family lodge has been known to be deserted by all its inmates at midnight, leaving the fixtures behind, because one of the family had dreamt of an attack, and been frightened with the impression of blood and tomahawks.
The lodge, utensils and fixtures of every kind, are borne upon the women's backs, sustained by a strap of leather around the forehead.
Stringing Wires [13] A string for drawing electric wires into bent fixtures can be easily inserted by rolling it into a small ball and blowing it through while holding one end.
Annexations of this kind are called trade fixtures and the law is liberal in permitting their removal.
Whenever fixtures annexed to real estate retain the character of personal property they may be mortgaged.
The term store fixtures covers fittings, fixtures, furniture used in the course of trade, whether they are part of the realty or not.
Intention is the guide to determine what passes in such a sale, as in cases of fixtures already considered.
If a building is described this does not include separate structures used in connection with it, nor fixturesconstituting no part of the structure.
Your Gas Company will also help you to select just the fixtures and burners you need to harmonize with the decorations in your home and to supply the best possible light for each room.
Care of Lamps and Fixtures Lamps and fixtures should he cleaned once a month to insure the maximum efficiency.
Side wallfixtures for good general illumination--25 or 40 watt, all frosted.
By common law, a tenant could not take away buildings or fixtures he built on land because it would be wasteful.
They then formed a bier by fastening two poles to a horse's sides, and placing such fixtures upon them, behind the horse, as to permit my being carried.
Every nerve was now directed to fit up the place, complete the enclosure, and furnish it with gates; to build a temporary guard-house, and complete other military fixturesof the new cantonment.
The fixtures of the church, as of other buildings, were removed and set up on this spot.
Most ceiling gas fixtures will admit of the fixture wire being run inside the brass shell, which makes a neater job.
That is all I have to say about it; and now, with your kind permission, I will do myself the honour of wishing you good morning, and will go up-stairs to look after the fixtures on the second floor.
I never heard of him in my life; I never knew that he had left a relict; I never set eyes on Mrs. Badgery until one fatal morning when I went to see if the fixtures were all right in my new house.
Then he remembered that he would have to pay out several hundred any way for fixtures and that he would have nothing left for his monthly expenses.
The fixtures had already been sold and the sum divided.
The week will probably close before the fixtures will have all been put up and the articles duly arranged for exhibition.
It is equipped with special adjustable headstock and tailstock fixtures designed to take crankshafts having strokes up to about 6 inches.
These fixtures are circular in shape and have flat bases which are bolted to the table of the machine.
The method of chucking a four-throw crank is as follows: The two fixtures are brought into alignment by two locking pins.
Sometimes chucks are used having special jaws for holding castings of irregular shape, or special work-holding fixtures which are bolted to the faceplate.
The turret lathe, as well as horizontal and vertical boring mills, is used for this work, and in automobile factories or other shops where a great many cylinders are bored, special machines and fixtures are often employed.
The lining L is mounted in two cast-iron ring-shaped fixtures F.
Sometimes eccentrics are turned while held upon special fixtures attached to the faceplate.
The casting is held in special fixtures which are attached to the lathe carriage, and the boring-bar is rotated by the lathe spindle.
The locking pins for both fixtures are then withdrawn and the machine is ready to turn two of the pins.
This was rather a relief to the smiths, who having no irons to sharp, got rapidly forward with the necessary fixtures for the railways.
Such, however, were the fixtures of the beacon to the rock with the iron stanchions, and its connection at the top, where it was strongly girt with circular hoops of iron, that it was perfectly firm at both extremities.
The success of such an undertaking, at any season, was precarious; because a single day of bad weather occurring, before the necessary fixtures could be made, might sweep the whole apparatus from the rock.
Sidenote: Fixturesof the hinges of the door and window-shutters.
The fixtures of the hinges of the door and shutters of the windows are of a peculiar construction, as will be seen in the different diagrams of Plate XIX.
But, in common with the once human storks, they had one consolation.
While keeping their stubbornness of spirit they must kneel to receive their loads, and rise at the word of command.
So it had been at the other two houses: so in all probability it would be at every house along their way unless, as she still hoped, they had already come to the end of the journey.
Nevill still waited for his friend, but fully two minutes had gone before Stephen appeared.