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Example sentences for "finders"

Lexicographically close words:
finches; find; finde; finden; finder; findes; findest; findet; findeth; findin
  1. Years ago, the question of whether finders were necessary, or not, in a camera of this kind, was a matter on which some at least expressed very different opinions, from those now held by most workers.

  2. This was probably due mainly to her luck in putting both our range-finders out of action in what were practically her opening shots.

  3. I do not remember whether or not I told him that this was hardly enough to balance his own luck in getting both our range-finders in the first five minutes.

  4. The witch-finders travelled the path on which they had set the feet of many.

  5. Four Months Among the Gold Finders of California, by J.

  6. Illustration: Two Types of Ordinary View Finders and Methods of Converting Them into Direct-View Finders] If the wing is turned upward at an angle of 45 deg.

  7. Anyone with a little ingenuity can change one of the old-type finders into a combination device, either direct or indirect.

  8. I feel pretty sure we could do it at ten thousand feet without the direction-finders knowing anything about us.

  9. The new wireless direction-finders would give me away long before I could even reach the coast, and the Air Police would do the rest.

  10. Some are very remarkable in form and color, such as we have never before chanced to see, and for really rare ones the finders ask and receive good prices.

  11. These were of hard stone, and were thought by the finders to have been used by the aborigines to fell trees.

  12. If it be in my power to hold them back, the witch-finders shall hunt no more, nor shall any man die the death without trial or judgment.

  13. These regiments were in turn divided into companies, and between each company ran a little path to allow space for the witch-finders to pass up and down.

  14. The witch-finders gathered themselves together, apparently exhausted with their bloody work, and we thought that the performance was done with.

  15. Larry was interested in watching the sharpshooters and range-finders in the tops, and he walked across the deck to get a better look at them.

  16. Then the breech-block was swung to and locked, the electric connection set, and Luke sighted the piece with care, after having first received the proper distance from the range-finders in the tops.

  17. In reality, I am inclined to suspect, that all these several finders of truth, are the very identical men who are by others called the finders of gold.

  18. The witch-finders have halted, and their singing rises shrill and loud.

  19. Fretful fault-finders have to sit in corners alone.

  20. Who ever heard of a Fault-finders Society or a Cross Words Society?

  21. The magnetic direction finders of the transportation people have covered every inch of the United States, as well as Mexico and Canada.

  22. Direction finders throughout the country took readings on the position of their radio transmitter and these readings differed widely in result.

  23. Probably the fire finders of the different nations are among the best remembered of all these benefactors.

  24. The fire finders would naturally be the hero-gods and stealing fire would be an exploit rather than a crime.

  25. Now let fault-finders and malicious detractors gossip as they please--I don't mind; we have done right.

  26. They will continue to smile on with their beautiful motifs long after the clumsy fault-finders have been silenced.

  27. One of the simplest ways is to station two range-finders in the tops, as far away from each other as possible.

  28. There were direction-finders that had taken the message from several stations; their pointers converged upon one definite location in southern Ohio.

  29. For the graphs of the radio direction-finders showed a curve.

  30. He must have come quickly, when informed by the finders of Argo's treachery.

  31. And moving images of the speakers, seen on the finders all over the Earth, Venus and Mars simultaneously.

  32. Our finders would not show it, for it was insulated against them.

  33. For a few moments--while the current he had at his command could hold it--we could not be seen on the image finders of the advancing vessels.

  34. The effect of this was that very few or no antiquities of gold or silver were preserved for the Museum, [of Northern Antiquities at Copenhagen,] as the finders secretly sold the antiquities.

  35. Poor people, as the finders generally are, do not like to wait for money.

  36. He led her respectfully to the anteroom of the sacred inclosure where Ferriday was behaving like a lion in a cage, belching his wrath at his keepers, ordering the fund-finders to find more funds for his great picture.

  37. It looked as if the old jingle ought to be changed from "Finders keepers, losers weepers" to "Losers keepers, finders weepers.

  38. If any inferior attempts to recover the magic stone, deal with him or her in the same manner in which we punished the finders of the deadly flower.

  39. As a result, eight of the villagers were compelled to carry the two fire-finders to a certain spot on the bank of a nearby stream.

  40. The chase continued, each minute seeming an age, as the range-finders registered the slowly diminishing distance of the enemy.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "finders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.