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Example sentences for "fabricating"

Lexicographically close words:
fabliaux; fabric; fabrica; fabricate; fabricated; fabrication; fabrications; fabricator; fabrick; fabricks
  1. Reflection and experience will teach him to work better; and the first tool he makes will furnish him with the means of fabricating others, and of accumulating provisions with greater promptitude.

  2. He screened Max Milzer, in charge of the fabricating and repair shops on the ship.

  3. Wheels; they could be made in the fabricating shop aboard the ship.

  4. Fabricating consists in shaping matter, in making it supple and in bending it, in converting it into an instrument in order to become master of it.

  5. Now, fabricating consists in carving out the form of an object in matter.

  6. In other words, an intelligence which aims at fabricating is an intelligence which never stops at the actual form of things nor regards it as final, but, on the contrary, looks upon all matter as if it were carvable at will.

  7. The completion of the fortifications renders it necessary that there should be a suitable appropriation for the purpose of fabricating the cannon and carriages necessary for those works.

  8. He has therefore for several years, in order to maintain his independence, been industriously employed in collecting and fabricating arms and munitions of war and in disciplining the Mormons for military service.

  9. It was certainly in this vast empire that long since the business of fabricating silk began.

  10. This organ is the spinning apparatus, which the animal uses in fabricating the threads which it will one day require.

  11. The whole territory is an amazing and bewildering network of gigantic steel mills, blast furnaces and fabricating shops.

  12. They seemed careful industrious housewives, spending their time at home in fabricating mats and nets of palm leaves, while the men were occupied abroad in stealing.

  13. The art of fabricating ornaments of the precious metals seems to have preceded by many ages the use of iron in the northern regions of Asia.

  14. Well, never mind, I'll make up for it by fabricating the loveliest hats that ever were seen, for her, if she patronises our millinery establishment.

  15. She kissed her sister lovingly and ran off, with the light-heartedness of her age, to dream of fabricating a marvellous cap for Mrs Burgess, or some bewitching hats for Lady Hebe's trousseau.

  16. In other words, Richard Hardie, like thousands before him, was fabricating and maturing a false balance-sheet.

  17. What a lot of money they must have sunk before they came down to fabricating a balance-sheet!

  18. A man who could be guilty of fabricating such a fable is wholly unworthy of credit in his reckless accusations against King Richard, though his minute {227} knowledge of the real facts renders any inadvertent admissions most important.

  19. Yet within a month he was beheading {277} Tyrrel, and fabricating a story to account for the disappearance of his wife's brothers.

  20. One of these last, the larva of Cossus ligniperda differs from its congeners in fabricating for its residence during winter a habitation of pieces of wood lined with fine silk[790].

  21. I mention these facts, Mr. Scriven, lest you should suspect me of fabricating these papers--though what possible motive I could have for fabricating them it might be difficult to discover.

  22. If man was at that time, as he is now, a beast of prey, he must also have become familiar, in the very first stages of his existence, with the uses of bone as a material for fabricating into weapons.

  23. The old dame was placed under the necessity of fabricating something for his benefit.

  24. By a Military Court of and fabricating false bills of Justice.

  25. Accomplices in Imprisonment not less than 8, fabricating tools for nor more than 12 years, and Coining.

  26. Raw materials are sent from the place of their origin to the fabricating establishment that consumes them.

  27. I will take it on myself to say that it does not appear reasonable that men who were fabricating a falsehood, would ever have thought of such a method as this to give it currency.

  28. Every blunderer ambitious of success in fabricating old writings is sure to have recourse to this trick, which serves for his immediate detection.

  29. There seems to be much difficulty in projecting masses of great diameter, from this cause; and this should lead us to seek, as indeed it points to, another material for fabricating projectiles.

  30. Monuments they are of mis-spent skill and labour; samples of the almost hopeless task of fabricating complicated machinery which shall resist the action of explosive gases at high pressure.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fabricating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.