It is impossible to state categorically either that the imports provoked the exports or the exports the imports; for the supply creates the demand as much as the demand creates the supply.
The enormous increase in the import of corn helped, in fact, to double British exports within ten years.
But exports were more and more required to pay for the ever-increasing imports.
The first letter is on the subject of freeexports of our manufactures to Holland.
The alarm respecting the effect on our trade is greatly overrated, as the whole proportion of our exports thither compared with the rest of the world is inconsiderable.
The exports of Sual consisted only of rice, and in spite of its exceptional harbor this port never flourished, and is to-day no more than an unfrequented village.
There are exports of cotton and saltpetre; and the town has a steam cotton press.
With merchandise exports only a fraction of merchandise imports, continued reliance must be placed on fishing and telecommunications license fees, remittances from overseas workers, official transfers, and income from overseas investments.
The value of French exports into Italy decreased immediately by one-half, while Italian exports to France decreased by nearly two-thirds.
I say, Jack, it seems to me the Exportswant a jolly lot more things done for them than the Imports.
Why, I told him we couldn't possibly do without more help here in the exports a fortnight ago.
Great Britain and British colonies take 66% of theexports and supply over 60% of the imports.
While the value of imports had remained nearly stationary since 1902 the value of exports had nearly trebled in that period.
The imports, exports and domestic trade of Brazil are by reason of their magnitude and peculiar character the most important in South America, though the per capita aggregate is less than that of Argentina.
The breeding of sheep receives much attention, and the province exports wool in considerable quantity.
The national revenue is derived largely from the duties on imports, the duties on exports having been surrendered to the states when the republic was organized.
They have the sole right also to impose duties on exports and taxes upon real estate, industries and professions, and transfers of property.
This Act applied to the colonists in their exports as well, but the law was disregarded.
The consumption of beef in New England iz the reezon why the exports of that article do not exceed thoze of Ireland.
Congress; another giving great encouragement to commerce, and several towns were incorporated with extensiv privileges, for the purpose of regulating the exports of the State, and facilitating the collection of debts.
The principal imports are grain and agricultural produce, timber and coal, and the exports cement and fish.
Other exports of importance are rum, wax and honey; and of less primary importance, fruits, fine cabinet woods, oils and starch.
The exports are large, consisting chiefly of food-grains and coffee.
The exports are small; the chief items are honey, tobacco and sharks' fins.
The trade, which is supervised by a chamber of commerce, is very considerable, the principalexports being machinery, raw sugar and petroleum.
The exports by sea from Alexandreia exceed the imports.
Dismal as this place looks, an immense trade in imports and exports is done there; and all the tin from the rich mines of the district is sent thence to Pinang for transhipment.
The other exportsare chiefly salt-fish, salt, undyed cotton, skins of beasts, and pepper.
Under a modus vivendi, in effect for some months, the War Trade Board had permitted exports to Sweden in sufficient quantities to meet immediate and urgent needs.
In the same period exports of hams and shoulders to France increased more than twelvefold and to Great Britain more than a third.
Statistics on the exports of barbed wire epitomize the history of defensive works by our allies.
It would annihilate a trade, whose exports amounted to eight hundred thousand pounds annually, and which employed a hundred and sixty vessels and more than five thousand seamen.
Had they not prohibited the exports of provisions from America to the same quarter?
The exports from it in the same year amounted to six millions; and the trade employed three hundred thousand tons of shipping, and thirty thousand seamen.
The imports andexports of these amounted to upwards of ten millions annually; and they gave employment to three hundred thousand tons of shipping, and to about twenty-five thousand seamen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exports" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.