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Example sentences for "exposicion"

Lexicographically close words:
exports; expose; exposed; exposer; exposes; exposing; exposition; expositions; expositor; expositors
  1. Apart from the quotation of a passage in Jorge Manrique's Coplas, the Exposicion del libro de Job offers few indications of Spanish origin and fewer personal touches.

  2. His chief prose works in Castilian include the Exposicion del libro de Job, a commentary dedicated to Madre Ana de Jesús, but not published till near the end of the eighteenth century (1779).

  3. The fourth called Chria, which is a very short exposicion of any dede or worde wyth the name of the author recited.

  4. Nexte / after suche exposicion to declare and proue the sayd exposicion true / with as many argumentes as we can.

  5. Whiche last membre of his exposicion he a- gayne distributeth into foure partes thus as foloweth.

  6. And so to conclude an oracion Demon- stratiue / wherein persones are lauded / is an historycall exposicion of all his lyfe in order.

  7. Note that the preterit imperfet and perfet have but one exposicion in this verbe.

  8. Or Poeticall, whiche is a exposicion fained, set forthe by inuencion of Poetes, or other.

  9. In the seconde parte, place the exposicion and meanyng of the aucthours sentence.

  10. Unto the whiche you maie adde a Narracion, whiche is a exposicion of the thyng doen.

  11. Paso del Norte; 3, it would prevent land communication between Sonora and lower California (Exposicion dirigida).

  12. In reality the government desired to ascertain and influence public and Congressional sentiment before acting (Exposicion dirigida).

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exposicion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.