Thus began the expiatory martyrdom which lasted for twenty-seven years.
He had imposed on Louise de la Valliere the bitter martyrdom of following as an expiatory victim the triumph of Madame de Montespan; he now compelled Madame de Montespan to witness the triumph of Mademoiselle de Fontanges.
O unknown deity, whether god or goddess, whose property this wood is, let it be legally proper to sacrifice to thee this pig as an expiatory offering, for the sake of cutting down trees in this wood of thine.
The origin of expiatorysacrifices can not, we think, be explained except on the principle of a primitive revelation and a positive appointment of God.
He had felt the sense of sin and guilt, and had endeavored to appease his conscience by expiatory offerings, and to deliver himself from the power of sin by intellectual culture and moral discipline.
On either hypothesis the practice of expiatory rites derives its authority from God; in the latter case, by an outward and verbal revelation, in the former by an inward and intuitive revelation.
In the Agadic method of that period, the Epistle to the Hebrews sets forth that the crucified Messiah is at the same time the expiatory sacrifice and the atoning priest.
It gradually became a pious custom to be buried in Judaea's holy earth, to which was attributed an expiatory power.
In the myth of Susa no wo spittle is mentioned along with the nails of the fingers and toes and nose-mucus among the materials for expiatory offerings.
There is some confusion here between the offences and the expiatory offerings.
The first days of the ceremonial were passed in sorrow and anxious silence, in fasting and expiatory or lustral offices.
This practice--save theexpiatory offerings--was adopted by the Christians.
Verginia was more fortunate after her death than in her lifetime; her shade, after wandering through so many houses in quest of expiatory penalties, at length found rest, not one guilty person being now left.
Verily, men who abstain from these transgressions or who having committed them undergo the expiatory rites indicated, succeed, in attaining to heaven when they leave this world.
By performing those expiatory acts, one becomes happy and free from fever.
Glais-Bizoin felicitated the new prefect of police, Ferre, who had just taken the place of Cournet, and confided to him that for forty years it had been his ardent desire to see the expiatory monument demolished.
The demands were substantially as follows: Honourable reparation for the murder of von Ketteler and of Mr Sugiyama, to be made in a specified form, and expiatory monuments to be erected in cemeteries where foreign tombs had been desecrated.
She came very near disclosing to the Professorin, that she wanted to devote herself as an expiatory sacrifice, not from compulsion, but, through heavenly grace, freely renouncing all the delights of the world.
The church, on the contrary, speaks to us in our individual griefs, she takes us up into the universal; that is the great lesson of the expiatory suffering.
Twice a day sweet incense was burned on it, and no other kind of sacrifice was permitted; but once a year it was sprinkled, by the high priest, with expiatory blood.
It is fashionable to regard the expiatory element of Christianity as 'Hebrew old clothes,' but the fact is the other way about.
With this act the expiatory portion of the ritual ends, and we may here pause to look back for a moment on it as a whole.
Millions of such offerings were made, and hecatombs of these expiatory sacrifices were offered in view of the great event that would be consummated when Jesus should offer up Himself.
It is evident from other scriptures that Abraham offered up these sacrifices in token of the great expiatory sacrifice of the Son of God.
As before stated, these sacrifices which were offered up from the days of Adam until the time of our Savior's advent, were typical of the great expiatorysacrifice which He was to make by the sacrifice of Himself.
Thus, we discover that the first act after the destruction of the world by a flood was a recognition of the great expiatory principle of the atonement, which was to be made by the Only Begotten Son of God, as revealed by the angel to Adam.
The beating of the pani is the accompaniment of expiatory offerings to the Saptamata, or seven mothers of Hindu religious writings, viz.
The Vydikans are the highest authority to decide what does or does not constitute violation of caste rules, and to prescribe expiatory ceremonies.
This was why anexpiatory power was ascribed to the blood.
In treating it as vicarious and expiatory they have forgotten that it is unavailing unless it be also representative.
The trespass offering affected rights of property, but no precise definition of the two kinds of expiatory offerings can be based upon the statements made in the Pentateuch in respect to them.
The expiatory conception, which was probably the latest of the three, expelled the others, and was perverted into the notion that God was a God of wrath, whose fury could be averted by gifts and His favour won by bribes.
The expiatory ceremony referred to in the Pûrva Mimâmsâ therefore applies to the case of other Brahmakârins only.
Nor the (expiatory performance) described in the chapter treating of qualification; that being impossible on account of the Smriti referring to such lapse.
But cannot a Naishthika who, through some sin, has lapsed from his duties and position, make up for his transgression by some expiatory act and thus again become fit for meditation on Brahman?
Those expiatory performances which are described in the chapter treating of qualification (Pû.
Nor is it possible that works, the fruit of which has not yet been enjoyed, and those the result of which has not been wiped out by expiatory ceremonies, should be destroyed by the enjoyment of the fruits of other works.
He who having once entered on the duties of a Naishthika lapses from them, for such a slayer of the Self I do not see any expiatory work by which he might become clean.
I see noexpiatory performance by which he, a slayer of Brahman as he is, could become pure again,' declares that expiations are powerless to restore purity.
In order that an elopement might result in an acknowledged union, it had to be followed always and invariably by certain expiatory acts.
The expiatory period was not yet over, though Nepenthe, on the whole, would have been glad to see the last of him--particularly Signor Malipizzo.
He often repeated that it was for the faithful people of God, that the expiatory death of Jesus Christ had been endured.
All the male captives, 3,000 in number, were conveyed to the precise spot where Hamilkar had been slain, and there put to death with indignity, as an expiatory satisfaction to his lost honour.
Before setting out they offered expiatory sacrifices to the souls of bears slain in previous hunts, and besought them to be favourable to the hunters.
Aino or expiatorytype of animal sacrament among the Abchases and Kalmucks.
This kind of sacrament is of the Aino or expiatory type, since it is meant to atone to the species for the possible ill-usage of individuals.
God himself becomes man, and thereby a man is exalted to the Deity, and, as expiatory representative for his people, can unite mankind with God.
The lamb encircled by the sun's orb refers to the ceremonial burning of the lamb at the spring equinox as an expiatory sacrifice and as a pledge of a new life.
And thereby, in the idea of the representative expiatory victim, the separation between God and Man is blotted out, and both fuse directly in the conception of the "God-man.
The guiltless martyrdom of an upright man as expiatory means to the justification of his people was also not unknown to the adherents of the Law since the days of the Maccabean martyrs.
He was capable of being an expiatory victim for the sins of the whole people, precisely because he least of all deserved such a fate.
But in India at the so-called Hulfeast, at the spring equinox, a ram (lamb) used to be solemnly burnt as an expiatory victim representing Agni.
Here we obviously have to do with a man who dies as an expiatory sacrifice for the sins of his people, and by his death benefiting the lives of the others is on that account raised to be a God.