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Example sentences for "exactly equal"

  • It has never been resolved into simpler or elementary influences, and may perhaps best be conceived of as an axis of power having contrary forces, exactly equal in amount, in contrary directions.

  • The strings must all be tuned to one and the same note,[5] and the instrument should be placed in a window partly open, in which the width is exactly equal to the length of the harp, with the sash just raised to give the air admission.

  • If the ball is watched carefully after it has struck the cushion, it will be found to return at an exactly equal angle to the one at which it was struck.

  • This device also affords an excellent means of holding two or more thin cutters requiring to be ground of exactly equal diameters.

  • Whatever the angle may be, however, it is essential that all the angles be exactly equal, in order that the fit of the table may not be destroyed by the wear.

  • Three bars, A, A, A, of steel were made parallel and of exactly equal dimensions.

  • If the section of the tube were equal to the magnitude of a square inch, the weight of the column of mercury in the tube above the level C would be exactly equal to the weight of the atmosphere on each square inch of the surface C.

  • Although not all muscle cells are exactly equal in power, on the whole the force that muscle can show is the force of one cell multiplied by the number of cells that can join in the pull.

  • Since it is a pure chance whether fertilization will be accomplished by a sperm of 24 or one of 23 chromosomes, we should expect the sexes to appear in exactly equal numbers, taking the world as a whole.

  • They may be exactly equal, yet the beings in a plane world cannot turn them so that one would coincide with the other.

  • Now if we build up a square on each side of the triangle, the squares on AB and BC will together be exactly equal to the square on the long side AC, which we call the hypotenuse.

  • This distance would be exactly equal to thirty steps of the constable.

  • Thus each boy gets an exactly equal share, and there are only five pieces necessary.

  • In every magnet the strength of the south pole is exactly equal to that of the north pole, the action of the same magnetic force upon the two poles being equal and oppositely directed.

  • But no magnet can have a single pole; if there is one, there must also be at least a second, of the opposite sign and of exactly equal strength.

  • As stated by all recognized authorities, the problem is this: To describe a square which shall be exactly equal in area to a given circle.

  • Since {40} the quantities absorbed are exactly equal, it is obvious that the two fractions must be exactly equal, or the absorbing and radiating powers of any surface are exactly equal.

  • The quantitative law, however, that the absorbing power is exactly equal to the radiating power, is not true for gases.

  • We will further assume that the heat radiated out by the earth is exactly equal to the heat which it receives from the sun.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exactly equal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assault upon; blood vessels; could distinguish; during three; eight pieces; exactly alike; exactly equal; exactly like; exactly opposite; exactly similar; exactly the; exactly what; federal court; find only; great hurry; here are; literary style; looking through; means confined; must lose; one man; other book; place myself; this meeting; took leave; wine merchant