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Example sentences for "must lose"

  • Things look dark enough, and we must lose no chance.

  • I must lose no opportunity of showing my deep thankfulness for what you have done for me.

  • He cannot play QKt-Q2 at once, since his Knight's Pawn would again be unprotected; therefore he plays the move in the text, probably thinking that now White also must lose a move to withdraw his Bishop.

  • PxP QxP If Black recaptures with the pawn, he must lose a move with the Bishop in order to avoid getting an isolated doubled pawn after 6.

  • And now, sweet sister of my heart, call up all your courage, summon all your resolution, for we must lose no time, but make the best of our way out of this hateful city.

  • On you I repose my whole hopes; but we must lose no time.

  • In this is the point,--we must lose, but still we keep up the trial to the end.

  • All must remain pure betwixt him and me; And, ere the daylight dawns, it must be known Which I must lose--my father or my friend.

  • I must lose To her young blooming husband all those rights Of which I was so long in full possession; And I must from the stage descend, where I So long have played the most distinguished part.

  • No more; I regret the precious minutes That I must lose: time passes swiftly by.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "must lose" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    good husbandry; must acknowledge; must always; must ask; must believe; must bring; must call; must certainly; must come; must have; must kill; must obey; must own; must pass; must recollect; must stand; must stay; must submit; must suppose; must trust; must try; must turn; peasant life; quick about; return mail; slight movement