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Example sentences for "esculent"

Lexicographically close words:
escrow; escu; escudo; escudos; escuelas; esculents; escus; escutcheon; escutcheoned; escutcheons
  1. The esculent frog is green, with three yellow lines from the mouth to the anus; the back transversely gibbous, the hinder feet palmated; its more frequent croaking in the evenings is said to foretell rain.

  2. In the same manner it would seem, that the common esculent mushroom is produced from horse dung at any time and in any place, as is the common practice of many gardeners; Kennedy on Gardening.

  3. With especial reference to the Esculent and other Economic Species.

  4. At this time our stock was for the most part fleshy and soft on boiling; the flavour, too, though much stronger than that of the usual esculent parsnip, was rather agreeable than otherwise.

  5. Give me some account of the nest of the esculent martin.

  6. It is respecting a foreign species of hirundines, called the esculent martin.

  7. The children all united in begging to hear this account; upon which Mrs. Bernard took it from her pocket, and read the following extract: "The esculent martin is said to less in size than the wren.

  8. Potatoes, beans, and some other esculent roots, etc.

  9. Vittadini, Roques, and Cordier speak highly of its esculent qualities and good flavor.

  10. The Chantarelle takes its name from a Greek word signifying a cup or vase, referring to its shape and possibly also to its rich golden color; cibarius refers to its esculent qualities.

  11. The Amanita Caesarea has long been esteemed as an esculent in foreign countries, and was known in ancient times to the Greeks and Romans.

  12. The Morchella deliciosa is highly esteemed as an esculent wherever eaten.

  13. It is very generally esteemed as an esculent among mycophagists.

  14. Mycophagists generally concur in the opinion that it is of very pleasant flavor when cooked, and some speak very enthusiastically of its esculent qualities.

  15. Dufour states that it is much esteemed as an esculent in France, and though rare in the northern part of that country, it is common in the center and the south of France in autumn.

  16. Another advantage conferred by Buddhism on the country was the planting of fruit trees and esculent vegetables for the gratuitous use of travellers in all the frequented parts of the island.

  17. There are as many different flavors and tastes among esculent fungi as are found in any other varieties of diet, and the very general ignorance of this fact is a sufficient reason for the issue of this work.

  18. The above are not known to be assuredly poisonous, but have none of the esculent qualities of the fairy-ring champignon.

  19. Additional plates, displaying other varieties of esculent mushrooms, may possibly be issued in the future.

  20. The amateur will do well to avoid all such, although they are esculent where the milk is mild to the taste.

  21. Having once learned to identify it without danger of error, this family is quite safe for use as food; for all the non-esculent Russulas are hot or nauseous to the taste, while the edible ones are very nutty and pleasant.

  22. The noxious members of this family resemble the esculent so closely that, to the amateur, tasting each one as gathered is the only guide; the hurtful ones being always hot and acrid.

  23. The soil being light and fertile produces abundance of rice, esculent vegetables, much cotton, and the finest tropical fruits.

  24. Another species, the Taro (Arum Colocasia, Colocasia esculenta and macrorhizon), is an important esculent root in the Polynesian islands.

  25. It is grown also in Egypt, Syria, and some of the adjacent countries, for its esculent roots.

  26. The transplanting of the oca (he adds) to England, where I am persuaded it would prosper, would add another agreeable and useful esculent to our tables.

  27. The chief productions are cotton, tobacco, and esculent vegetables; all which are raised in the valleys, the rising grounds being appropriated to different sorts of corn.

  28. Mr. Morris assures me, that he has found the nests of the Esculent Swallow eighty miles distant from the sea.

  29. But now the resemblance of the name admonishes me to pass from the esculent mandiò, to the woolly mandiyù.

  30. It remains for us only to note the subterranean fungi, of which the truffle is the type, to complete our enumeration of esculent species.

  31. Curtis with the esculent species of the United States.

  32. In France, Germany, Bohemia, and Denmark, it is included with esculent species.

  33. AF] is uncommon in England, but Vittadini states that it is sold in the Italian markets, although only to be recommended when no other esculent fungus offers, which is sometimes the case in spring.

  34. Three or four others have also the merit of being harmless, and these recorded as esculent by some one or more mycological authors: Russula lactea, Fr.

  35. Amongst the Polyporei, in which the gill plates are represented by pores or tubes, fewer esculent species are to be met with than in the Agaricini, and the majority of these belong to the genus Boletus.

  36. May and June, and is welcome to mycophagists from its early growth, when esculent species are rare.

  37. Tasmania, and is held in repute amongst the settlers for its esculent properties.

  38. There were also trees and plants that were clothed with a divine character, especially the esculent plants, such as the maize, personified as Zarap Conopa, and the potato, as Papap Conopa.

  39. Maney of those plants produce those esculent roots which forms a principal part of the Subsistance of the Nativs.

  40. This extensive vally Surround with covered with snow is extreemly fertile covered esculent plants &c and the Creeks which pass through it contains emence numbers of beaver &c.

  41. I was visited today by several of the natives, and amused myself in making a collection of the esculent plants in the neighbourhood such as the Indians use, a specemine of which I preserved.

  42. An edible or esculent root, especially of such plants as produce a single root, as the beet, carrot, etc.

  43. The cultivation of gourds began far beyond the dawn of history, and the esculent species have become so modified by culture that the original plants from which they have descended can no longer be traced.

  44. Many smaller gourds are cultivated in India and other hot climates, and some have been introduced into English gardens, rather for the beauty of their fruit and foliage than for their esculent qualities.

  45. It is extremely fertile, producing corn, fruits and all kinds of esculent vegetables, as well as cattle, sheep and hogs; with the latter of which a thriving trade is carried on with the lowland districts.

  46. The streets are wide, straight, and intersect each other at right angles, so as to form squares and spaces for gardens; every house having its garden, which are well filled with fruit trees and esculent vegetables.

  47. It produces all sorts of grain, esculent plants and fruits in abundance, with plenty of excellent pasture for the innumerable herds of cattle, mules, and horses it contains.

  48. I have not tested it but have no doubt of its esculent qualities.

  49. As an esculent it almost rivals the Pleuroti.

  50. Curtis, McIlvaine, Stevenson, and Cooke all speak of its esculent qualities.

  51. I have never eaten it, but I have no doubt of its esculent qualities.

  52. The esculent root of cultivated varieties of the plant, usually spindle-shaped, and of a reddish yellow color.

  53. Yet out of all of this wealth of raw material only Prunus tomentosa has been truly domesticated as an esculent though possibly a score of these species are well-known ornamentals.

  54. From this region, though the number of species as compared with East Asia is small, we have all of the cultivated esculent cherries, if possibly Prunus tomentosa be excepted.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "esculent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.