The only mode, they said, of surmounting these difficulties, would be for the subjects of the Czarina to form afresh their establishment upon the river Anadir.
He seems to comprehend intuitively the difficulties of a position, and the means of surmounting them.
At last, after surmounting a rather steep hill, he threw himself on the grass under the shade of a tree.
To honour father and mother, and from the root of the soul to do their will"--this table of surmounting hung another people over them, and became powerful and permanent thereby.
Crossing the plain, we have a steep rise up the side of the hill, and then, surmounting the rise, we find ourselves at the head of a valley running nearly due south.
A ride of about five miles down the valley brought us to a slight rise in the ground, and on surmounting this, Attegrat lay before us.
I met Lepsius, the great Egyptian scholar, one afternoon in his garden, a hale, straight man of sixty with abundant grey hair surmounting a fine forehead, with blue eyes full of penetration behind his spectacles.
Stress is laid on the value of auxiliary hospitals as the only practicable means of surmounting difficulties at that time, in the report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Administration of the Australian Branch British Red Cross in Egypt.
It is a monument of skill in administration and the surmounting of what would at first appear to be insurmountable difficulties.
Before reaching it we saw a castle-like structure surmounting a peak of the mountain that we had been following to the south; there appeared to be actual windows in it, showing the light through, and a track leading up to it.
A lot of large stones were heaped on the top of this important spot, and surmountingall and planted firmly in them was a slender upright stone pillar 6½ feet high.
Thus, after surmounting the step of the Packagama Falls, we enter on a wide and far stretching plateau which embraces the great area of Leech Lake, and its numerous lacustrine beds.
On the outer circle sixteen of the uprights and six of the surmounting stones forming the ring remain in their original positions.
The majestic dome, which is the glory of the cathedral, rises three hundred and sixty-five feet, and the surmounting lantern carries a gilt copper ball and cross.
It had its origin in a priory, of which there still remains the fine old church, with a surmountinggray tower and an entrance-gateway which have escaped the general ruin of the monastery.
But the noble cathedral is the crowning glory of this interesting old city, the massive structure, with its three surmounting towers standing on high, being visible for many miles across the country around.
Surmounting its Early English tower is a spire of later date.
It consists of a quadrangular court, around which are castellated buildings, with towers surmounting them, and occupying almost the entire summit of the hill.
It is a low, broad house with a surmounting tower over the doorway.
The clock surmounting the building in its central tower is said to be the standard timekeeper of London for the West End.
It was the half-length likeness of a woman, a queen, as was shown by the diadem of pearls surmounting her high, narrow forehead, and behind which a crown could be discerned.
Schwarzenberg, as he hastily doffed his gold-edged hat with its waving plumes, and bowed so low that the tips of the white feathers surmounting the black ones touched the damp ground.
Inflamed with a zeal for the honor of God and his king, he determined, after surmounting the numerous difficulties and oppositions, to avenge in person the insolent acts of those barbarians.
This would appear to have been the first instance in which what we should call a cross, supplanted the representation of Victory as a small female figure with wings, as a symbol surmounting the round object which we are considering.
And upon one coin of this Emperor we see the letter P surmounting a cross; surrounded by the legend Gloria Romanorum.
Later on an instance occurs of the Monogram surmounting a round object held by a female figure representing Rome.
The highly decorated frieze will be of polished red marble, and surmounting the projecting keystone of the arch will be a bronze representation of an American eagle.
On the north side of the pilaster, seven inches of the bead and reel moulding immediately surmounting the anthemia have been skilfully inserted in a groove and fastened with lead.
At the west, the length of the frieze is only equal to the width of the cella; at the east, the frieze is continued as far as the epistyle, or beams surmounting the colonnade.
Surmounting at length the embarrassment caused by the steadfast look of the soldier, Father d'Aigrigny raised his head, and repeated.
Mrs. Buffle would have given credit, probably other shops also; but Jane believed that her sole chance of surmounting the struggle eventually was by keeping debt, even trifling debt, away.
They lounged along until they came opposite to Kate's point of observation, when one of them looking up saw her pale face surmounting the wall.
Nothing daunted, however, the lovers soon devised another means ofsurmounting the barrier which divided them.
You see the firs surmounting those tall cliffs sway to and fro, as if growing dizzy with the sight of the abyss beneath them.
The light of the Summit House twinkled small, then grew large, as, surmounting the last and steepest pitch of the pinnacle, we were pushed before a long row of lighted windows crusted thick with hoar-frost.
Dark is the starless night; Only one feeble light Burns at the gratingsurmounting the door; Has his advance been heard?
Its sails were of curious construction: a long mast, with two sails below, one on each side of the boat, and a broader one surmounting them.
These boats have the two parallel sails attached to the same yard, and some have two sails, one surmounting the other.
The graceful spire surmounting the tower was provided from the bequest of L5000 by Mr A.
The church itself was a cruciform structure with a choir, nave and transepts, and a tower surmountingthe centre of intersection.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "surmounting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.