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Example sentences for "entireness"

Lexicographically close words:
entiere; entierement; entierly; entire; entirely; entirety; entitative; entities; entitle; entitled
  1. The type of their work is the Greek Temple, which leaves nothing to hope for in unity and perfection of design, in harmony and subordination of parts, and in entireness of impression.

  2. And by poetic expression I do not mean merely a vividness in particulars, but the right feeling which heightens or subdues a passage or a whole poem to the proper tone, and gives entireness to the effect.

  3. Hobbes would now maintain his system by depositing his "entireness of sovereign power" in the Laws of his Country.

  4. The safety of the State does not depend on the safety of the clergy, but on the entireness of the sovereign power.

  5. It is finely placed, and all the parts are admirable: but I think it wants completeness and entireness of effect, and does not tell its story well.

  6. The priests were wanting in religious devotedness; the ministers in entireness of faith; there was no mercy in works, no discipline in manners.

  7. They never can explain, in any one particular, the union of the natures; they only succeed in weakening the faith of their hearers as to the entireness of either.

  8. What is to become of the Declaratory Act, asserting the entireness of British legislative authority, if we abandon the practice of taxation?

  9. The very freedom of his comments upon others made her feel the entireness of their mutual confidence.

  10. And generally let this be a rule, that all partitions of knowledges be accepted rather for lines and veins than for sections and separations; and that the continuance and entireness of knowledge be preserved.

  11. Tuileries concerning the treaty of London, a treaty which guaranteed the entireness of the Danish monarchy, and which a circular of M.

  12. According to his opinion, the treaty of Paris had not attained its purpose, which was to insure the entireness and the vitality of the Ottoman empire.

  13. She is his counterpart; and, like him, is almost sanctified in our eyes by her absolute unsuspiciousness, and holy entireness of love.

  14. It is intended for the entireness of our sanctification: "the very God of peace sanctify you wholly.

  15. It is the graces of the Spirit which harmonize the man, and make him one; and that is the end, and aim, and object of all the Gospel: the entireness of sanctification to produce a perfectly developed man.

  16. Shakespeare;—thus detaching the Lady’s speech, and giving it the individuality and entireness of a little poem, while he draws attention to it.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entireness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    entirety; fullness; integrity; omnipresence; oneness; perfection; plenitude; solidarity; solidity; soundness; thoroughness; totality; ubiquity; unity; universality; wholeness