Instead of orient pearls of jet I sent my love a carcanet; About her spotless neck she knit The lace, to honour me or it: Then think how rapt was I to see My jet t'enthral such ivory.
Tis better yet To fret The feet or hands, Than to enthral Or gall The neck with bands.
Shall he maintain A fleet t' enthral us, we detract small costs.
This is the same fair nightingale that tun'd Her sweet sad accents lately to the woods, And did so far enthral my heart: but that Fond love is vanish'd.
The former is usually more figurative, and aims to stimulate the imagination more keenly and to enthral the feelings more completely.
Yet in the strange terror, the perplexity of feeling which had come over her, a kind of fascination, which something in that dark, lurid glance fixed so steadfastly upon her, seemed to enthral her senses.
To enthral the sluggard nature in ourselves Is, in good truth, the better half of the secret To enthral the world: for the will governs all.
It is indeed a mighty sorcery 460 That dothenthral thy young heart, my poor girl, And what hath Laska told thee?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enthral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.