It is a mere barren assertion, made simply for the purpose of getting up a distinction between the revival of the African slave trade and his "great principle.
As therefore the pradhâna stands in no relation, it is impossible to see why it should sometimes modify itself into the great principle (mahat) and sometimes not.
I believe," continued the doctor, "that the women of America will be ready to give up the gratification of their appetites to maintain a great principle.
Isn't it curious that while Mr. Adams wants us girls to leave off drinking tea for the sake of a great principle, I want you for my escort to the tea-party.
Mrs. Adams is just as ready as I am to quit drinking tea, because by so doing she manifests her fealty to a great principle; if the mothers are ready to make sacrifices, I am sure the daughters will be equally ready.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great principle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.