That his Majesty endow two hospitals, which can be done with vacant encomiendas to the sum that seems advisable to his Majesty.
From this document especially noteworthy from the viewpoints of history, geography, and politics, it appears that the islands at the time of Sande’s arrival, had been divided into encomiendas in the following manner.
He has done wrong in regranting vacant encomiendas that had reverted to the crown, which is contrasted strongly with Legazpi’s steadfast refusal to do so.
Encomiendas may be assigned with certain reservations to the crown.
Many of the encomenderos stay in their encomiendas all or the greater part of the year looking after their interests, where they prove a great hindrance and obstacle to their Indians.
For brevity we omit the encomiendas assigned by Lavezaris and Doctor Sande, which are also named in this document.
The natives of these two rivers were assigned as encomiendas by Guido de Lavezaris to himself, but he was deprived of them by Dr.
Encomiendas were lavishly granted; the Indians went back to their fields; the mining industry began that marvellous development which soon made Peru the treasure box of the world and Potosi a synonym for limitless wealth.
Encomiendas had nominally been abolished, but landed proprietors still exercised the right to exact tribute from the Indians on their estates and great numbers were forced to serve as life servants under various pretexts.
Indeed, theencomiendas had spread so rapidly in the Philippines that the governmental machinery provided by Spain was unable to provide for them.
Sande made royal many of the hitherto unprofitable encomiendas which had been in private hands.
The statement of Sanchez may be interpreted to mean that the audiencia had stopped the abuses which had been perpetrated by various governors in bestowing encomiendas on their friends.
Loarca states that there were also encomiendas in the Camarines provinces in southeast Luzon and in IIocos, in the north of the same island.
The governor contended that two persons holding encomiendas by previous right should choose the more desirable one and relinquish the other, in accordance with the practice in other places.
The visitors and special investigators who were sent to examine the government of the provinces and the state of the Indians on the encomiendas were also subject to residencia.
The latter meant the assignment of encomiendas in accordance with the law to deserving individuals instead of to friends and relatives of the governors, or to other prominent officials of the colony.
In Indian relations and in questions involving encomiendas they were subject to the executive, who had jurisdiction in first instance, with appeal to the audiencia.
Encomiendas were conceded by different governors in the Philippines throughout the eighteenth century.
About thirty encomiendas were located close to Manila, ten were near to Cebu, and fifteen near to Arevalo under the jurisdiction of Loarca.
Later (after 1655), the usual period of confirmation was ten years, for persons who rented encomiendas as a business proposition.
Early in the history of the Islands the king had empowered governors and viceroys to grant encomiendas for life, with thirty years' remission of tribute, to those who had participated in the conquest.
He petitioned, therefore, that these encomiendas should be bestowed upon him for another term.
The local officials of government and justice were in most cases too far away to care for and protect the natives, or even to visit the more remote encomiendas in their districts.
Spanish, encomenderos temporales; apparently referring to grants of encomiendas made for a limited time, or to those which were held subject to an annual pension.
By this method innumerable acts of tyranny and insolence would be avoided, which can not be remedied, especially inencomiendas distant from here one hundred, one hundred and fifty, or two hundred leguas.
Then too, the religious impose difficulties in the collection of the tributes in the encomiendas, saying that some of the encomiendas do not have the adequate instruction, and assigning other reasons for other encomiendas.
You shall prefer such men to any others who do not possess these requisites, in the said allotment of encomiendas and governmental and military positions, and all other rewards of the country.
They were warned that their encomiendas would be declared vacant, as the time granted by their permission is already expired, unless they should have returned within the period by which they were bound.
You shall grant the encomiendas to soldiers who shall have lived in the islands in actual military service and duty, always giving the preference to those who merit it with most cause.
When suchencomiendas have a certain number of Indians, that number must be furnished.
The owners should come, therefore, to reduce their encomiendas to subjection, since they take the gain.
The largest of these encomiendas does not contain more than fifteen hundred tributes; there are a few of one thousand; most of them must have from seven to eight hundred; while some have four hundred or even less.
He also forwards the request of Manila citizens that encomiendas be granted for three lives; and asks for rewards for certain brave military and naval officers.
Having seen the exactness with which I fulfilled the above, I am told that many are going about looking for decrees and trying to procure them now from your Majesty, in order to obtain like encomiendas and other posts.
He blames the friars for transferring Indians from the encomiendas to settlements near Manila, where these natives are kept merely for the profit of the friars, and, moreover, become greatly demoralized.
For the support [of the said seminary], the governor shall continue to impose pensions on the encomiendas up to the sum of one thousand ducados, and shall advise us of what is done.
He considers it as better and more suitable that the governor assign some encomiendas for the revenues and income of this seminary, to the quantity that shall be deemed advisable.
These relate to the possession of two encomiendas by married persons, the decision of Indian lawsuits, the jurisdiction of the Audiencia in affairs concerning the Chinese, and the privileges of the governor's office.
The practice of these islands is that one of the two encomiendas is vacated.
I have regarded such encomiendas as vacant, ordering that their tributes be placed in the royal treasury.
I have ascertained by investigation that it does not come under the provisions for the appointment to encomiendas and offices in the form therein provided.
I have found by investigation that this is not included in the provisions for the order of appointments to encomiendas and offices, as is therein provided.
Silva concludes by expressing his personal opinion of the characters of the respective auditors, and renewing his request that his wife may enjoy possession of her encomiendas in the islands, without residence there.
They are likewise recounted in a clause of a letter which I despatched to your Majesty in the past year of one thousand six hundred and twenty-seven, with the report concerning encomiendas and offices.
The tributes of those encomiendas are collected for his royal treasury by his royal officials and the collectors engaged for that purpose by the royal officials.
They are aided also by the stipend given them from the encomiendas for the instruction that they give there.
To the royal crown were allotted those which were chief towns and ports, and the dwellers of the cities and towns; and also other special encomiendas and villages in all the provinces, for the necessities and expenses of the royal estate.
All of these islands and their natives, so far as they were pacified, were apportioned into encomiendas from the beginning.
There are many very excellent encomiendas throughout the islands, and they offer many profits, both by the amount of their tributes and by the nature and value of what is paid as tribute.
His Majesty has a number of encomiendas apportioned to his royal crown throughout the provinces of the Filipinas Islands.
As fast as the encomiendasare supplied with instruction and religious, the collection of these fourths and their expenditure in these special works cease.
The first vessels that followed the expedition of Legaspi had brought orders from the king that the Islands should be settled, and divided in encomiendas to those who had conquered and won them.
There were then 267 encomiendas in the Philippines, of which thirty-one were of the king, and the remainder of private persons.
Under the encomiendas the tribute was paid to the encomenderos, except on the royal encomiendas; but after two or three generations, as the encomiendas were suppressed, these collections went directly to the insular treasury.
In the list of encomiendas a few can be recognized, such as Yguig and Tuguegarao, but most of the names are not to be found on maps of to-day.
That from the vacant encomiendas amounted to 36 4 0 That from restitutions amounted to.
With those who shall possess their repartimientos and encomiendas without any stipulation for the consolidation, you shall contract in the same manner and form, with the obligation to come to obtain the confirmation.
He states the action that he has taken in regard to certain vacant encomiendas; and asks that these rewards be more strictly assigned, and that the large encomiendas be divided into smaller ones.
Since your Majesty has so many encomiendas here, it is right that we relieve the treasury of this expense; and we shall put to rights many things which I confess to your Majesty have never been regulated until now.
Some of the encomiendas here are very large, having incomes of from one to four thousand pesos.
Numerous prominent Spaniards in the Indies early opposedencomiendas on moral grounds.
His pleadings were not in vain, for in 1542 the Council issued a new Indian code called the New Laws, which provided that encomiendas should be abolished on the death of the present holders.
But now an example of the power of gentleness was furnished by Father Las Casas, the Dominican friar who had opposed encomiendas so vigorously in Espanola.
One of the orders directed them, upon arriving in Hispaniola, to at once annul the encomiendas held by members of the Royal Council for the Indies.
Even the system of encomiendas might have been worked more rationally, and under it the condition of the Indians need not have been a particularly bad one.
This was the germ of the cruel and oppressive repartimientos and encomiendas which were destined to depopulate the islands and to bring an indelible stigma on the Spanish colonial system in the Indies.
Victory crowned the Bishop’s efforts, for the royal decision, given after King Philip’s return to Spain, was adverse to making the encomiendas hereditary or perpetual.
Accordingly it is easy to see how much remedy there was left, when the governor granted the said encomiendas contrary to what your Majesty has ordered.
In the building of churches on the encomiendas of these islands your royal treasury is subjected to excessive expenses by their being made, as they are, of wood.
All Indians belonging to the royal encomiendas must pay their tributes, even when they reside in Manila.
He also favored particularly the progress of the Spanish community, endeavoring to get worthy soldiers to become citizens there--to whom, for that purpose, he granted encomiendas and offices.
In the last few days, news has come from the province of Nueva Segovia that some Indians on four or six of the encomiendas there had fled to the woods, driving away the religious and burning the churches.
Opposite clause 110, treating of the encomiendas in possession of royal officials: "This can be passed by and overlooked, because the land is new, until other provision be made.
Opposite clause 90, treating of the encomiendas made by Legazpi: "In what has been allotted, let there be no innovation; and let that which is granted hereafter be allotted in accordance with the deserts and services of each one.
For, as so many men die here, all the encomiendas would belong to your Majesty in four years; and the soldiers would have an incentive to attempt the deaths of others.
Notwithstanding, when Guido de Lavesares became governor, he gave them encomiendas of Indians.
In order that we may allot in encomiendaswhatever people are found in these districts, you shall bring me a signed notarial writ.
It is not convenient to grant encomiendas to all; and although they may ask for food at the houses of their friends, they are in need of clothing.
If in the villages live Spaniards holding no encomiendas of Indians, you will assess them also according to their condition and property, for they are in like manner under obligation to contribute toward the building of churches.
Again, complaints are heard that fewer Indians are given to one than to another, and that those taken from their encomienda, as is commonly asserted, swell the encomiendas of other persons.
He explains the manner in which he has aided needy soldiers and other persons in want, and reassigned encomiendas of persons deceased.
Let him adhere to that method, and let all the encomiendas falling vacant be allotted, until there be given a contrary order.
These two rivers were not included in the encomiendas made by the late Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, governor of these islands (who apportioned a part of that province), in order that he might request them from your Majesty for himself.
I enclose with this a list of the encomiendas of the country; but all that is a matter of little importance except for the passage from the mainland of China.
All other encomenderos hold encomiendasin other parts of the island.
Opposite the encomiendas of Bonbon and Batangas lies the island of Mindoro.
Item: No Indians shall be granted in encomiendas by repartimiento to the clerks of our said Audiencia.
The following encomiendasare to be found in the neighborhood of this city: The encomienda of Vatan, eight hundred men.
All these encomiendas are situated along the river of Manilla, from Tondo to the lake, and are under the jurisdiction of one alcalde-mayor, who appoints a deputy for Tondo.
In order that we may allot in encomiendas [153] whatever people are found in these districts, you shall bring me a signed notarial writ.
He declared that, during this said year of seventy-six, he had not collected anything else from the said villages; and from the others that he holds as encomiendas he has not collected anything since he has held them.
Last year, I wrote to your Majesty that the Indians who were deserting the encomiendas were again being allotted to the Spaniards who serve your Majesty in this camp.
It is also far better for them to pay tribute than to be raided by the Spanish soldiers for the means of supporting themselves, as was done before the encomiendas were made.
The old soldiers who have obtained encomiendas receive but little income therefrom, because so many of the Indians are revolting; these men need aid, which the king is asked to grant.
Concerning collectors, and a protector of the Indians It is also very advisable that the collectors of encomiendas be persons approved by the archbishop as protector of the Indians, and appointed by the governor.
The same with regard to the provision for repartimientos andencomiendas of the Indians.
The troops of this land, old and deserving soldiers, are in great need, for the encomiendas are in rebellion, and they cannot be pacified in many years.
There are other encomiendaswhich have one monastery between two of them.
The late restrictions on the possession and enjoyment of encomiendas should be removed.
The numbers of encomiendas and their tributarios, and of monasteries and religious, in the islands, are stated, with the size and extent of Manila.
Item: The encomiendas which your Majesty used to grant were formerly for three lives; and a short time ago your Majesty ordered by a royal decree that they should be, and it should be so understood, for two lives.
Your Majesty has some encomiendas apportioned to your royal crown, some distance from here and in a district where their products cannot be used.
But he himself says that that is false, and that he had heard that those who had encomiendas [Fr.
Moreover, "the encomiendasare ruined," while the natives are not instructed in religion, and are hostile to the Spaniards.
Moreover, his Majesty sent him leave to apportion the encomiendas among the deserving, as seemed best to his judgment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encomiendas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.