Al this did he chieflie in hope that the same might be a safegard for him in time to come, if the empresse should inuade the land, as he doubted she shortlie would.
There came in with the empresse hir brother Robert and Hugh Bigot, of whom ye haue heard before.
Who after his deliuerance from captiuitie, had assembled a great host of men, [Sidenote: The empresse besieged in Oxford.
At length the empresse found shift to escape from thence, and within a little while the king got possession of the citie.
Sidenote: The empresse confesseth hir selfe to be naught of hir bodie.
Some write that the empresse brought with hir a great armie, to the intent that ioining with Ranulph earle of Chester (who tooke part with Robert erle of Glocester, bicause the same Rob.
Wherevpon the empresse being now at libertie, went from place to place to trie and solicit hir fréends: and as a riuer increaseth in the passage, so the further the ladie went, the more hir power increased.
Thus was Henrie the sonne of the empresse made the adopted sonne of king Stephan, and therevpon the said Henrie saluted him as king, and named him father.
First the said earle himselfe tooke Bristowe; and after this diuerse other townes and castels there in that countrie were taken by him and others, with full purpose to kéepe the same to the behoofe of the empresse and hir sonne.
Henrie called Fitz empresse, the sonne of Mawd the empresse daughter of Mawd, daughter of Malcolme king of Scots, was next king of England.
This Mawd the empresse gaue vnto Dauid in the marriage, Mawd the daughter and heire of Voldosius earle of Huntingdon & Northumberland.
Long haue I bene forlorne, and all for thee, Welcome dread Fury to my woefull house, Rapine and Murther, you are welcome too, How like the Empresse and her Sonnes you are.
The Empresse Sonnes I take them, Chiron, Demetrius Titus.
For well I wote the Empresse neuer wags; But in her company there is a Moore, And would you represent our Queene aright It were conuenient you had such a deuill: But welcome as you are, what shall we doe?
Howbeit nothing reioised him more than that his daughter Maud the empresse at the same time was deliuered of hir second sonne named Geffrey, so that he saw himselfe prouided of an assured successor.
Now the matter went so forward, that the mariage was celebrated betwixt the said earle and empresse vpon the first sundaie in Aprill, which fell vpon the third of the moneth, and in the 27.
Sidenote: The empresse Maud married to the earle of Aniou.
Wherevpon he sent for his daughter the empresse to come ouer vnto him into Normandie, and hauing set his businesse in order on that side the sea, and taken hir with him, he returned into England before the feast of S.
O that which I would hide from heauens eye, Our Empresse shame, and stately Romes disgrace, She is deliuered Lords, she is deliuered Aron.
O sweet Maria, Empresse of my Loue, These numbers will I teare, and write in prose Ber.
Because I would be sure to haue all well, To entertaine your Highnesse, and your Empresse Tam.
When the empresse heard this she was glad enough; and soon she bare a faire sone, and thereof was made much joy.
But the earle supposing it not to stand with his honour, to depriue his nephue Henrie, sonne to the emperor Frederike the second, by his wife the empresse Isabell that was sister to the said erle, refused to take that honour vpon him.
Iohn Baptist, he arriued in Sicill, and hearing there in what place the emperour as then soiourned, he repaired vnto him, of whom and of his sister the empresse he was most ioifullie receiued.
In the 26 yeare died the empresse Isabell, wife vnto Frederike the emperour.
He raised his hat in a rather empresse manner as he allowed us to pass.
He made suit also to haue Northumberland restored vnto him, which the king of Englands mother the empresse had in times past giuen vnto king Dauid.
The empresse Maud mother to the king of England (a woman in stoutnesse of stomach and warlike attempts more famous than commonlie any of that sex) deceassed this yere the 10.
I wood hold such a man In more respect then any Emperour: For he cood make me Empresse of my selfe And in mine owne rule comprehend the World.
Though I were Empresse of the spacious world Ide lay my selfe and kingdome at thy feet.
The Empresse and younge Richard are in league, Arme knytt and harte knytt with the fervencye That no joy can exceede.
Other affayres of seryous consequence Call me; the Empresse must be solicyted Unto an acte for which I'de loathe her but My ends have gloryous aymes.
No, of my trothe, I know thee much too honest; but how fares The Empresse now, my dear exequetresse?
Empresse of Reason and an eternall Substance shood comprehend.
Thrice hath the pale-fac'd Empresse of the night, 39 39.
All this progresse ended, both the Emperor and Empresse returned to Mosco: shortly after the Emperor by the direction of the prince Boris Pheodorowich, sent a power into the land of Siberia, where all the rich Sables and Furres are gotten.
Sidenote: The Empresse Irene deliuered of a daughter.
The Emperor and Empresse very deuoutly resorted on foote to many principal Churches in the Citie, and vpon Trinitie Sunday betooke themselues to a progresse in order of procession, to a famous monasterie called Sergius and the Trinitie 60.
Then with their fleshe I made two mighty pyes, And at a banquet, served in stately wise, 110 Before the empresse set this loathsome meat; So of her sonnes own flesh she well did eat.
Then with their fleshe I made two mighty pyes, And at a banquet servde in stately wise: 110 Before the empresse set this loathsome meat; So of her sonnes own flesh she well did eat.
For it will be sayd and noysed through the world, (may it so come to passe as Fortune do not fauor mee) that if the Empresse Zenobia be captiue, she was not yet vanquished.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "empresse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.